The Saturday at Noon (UK time), Zoom!

Yes please.

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Hi @harvey_fudge

I’ve sent you the link via Private Message.

See you there.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 16th of September

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


…Just for fun - and giving you a think about it beforehand if you want:

‘Your day’ e.g.

  • …what time do you wake up - different at weekends? :thinking: What time do you go to bed?

  • Do you have breakfast - what do you have? What about lunch and tea?

  • Do you have things you have to do each day or week?

If we have time

What happened last week…

…what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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If someone has time to give, could there be a Saturday at Noon Zoom here in the USA? We are 5 hours behind you… thanks for being so supportive on our Welsh journey!

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@Novem has mentioned to me that there is/ was a US chat group on Slack (are you on Slack?) - perhaps @Novem can provide some info on where to look.

If there is interest I could certainly do a Zoom at Noon + 5h! :grin: - using the same topic - with a view to getting something started. Maybe with the info from above, there may be others or a natural group that could emerge.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello! It seems to be on Mondays and Fridays 3 pst/6 est but you can find it in the #american-chat channel in the SSiW Community Chat slack - if you’re not sure where to find it just ask and someone will link it to you!

edit - removed the “not WSP” bit, diolch @ann-6 :wink:

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You can access the group via Welsh Speaking Practice Slack too, but there the link is in the #the-americas channel :slight_smile:


I might manage to join this week, could I have the link please?

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Hi @M2017

Wrth gwrs! I’ve sent it you by private message.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sat 23rd of September

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


…Just for fun - and giving you a think about it beforehand if you want:


  • …which things do you enjoy doing?

  • …which ones do you put off? E.g. Ironing, washing, washing up, vacuuming

  • Do you have an option to divide them up? Who does what? Are there some you never do?

If we have time

What happened last week…

…what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed my first proper conversation in Welsh, not including with myself.

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…you did great! …and so many interesting things came up to discuss in the future :grin:

You are up and running :+1:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sat 30th of September

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


…Just for fun - and giving you a think about it beforehand if you want:

‘Show n Tell’

  • …bring along an object…

  • …tell us something about it…! :grin:

If we have time

What happened last week…

…what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Trying to join, * see a screen with just me and - possibly - Geraint - no person in the picture. And no response either. Tried rejoining - still the same. Did you finish early today @rich?

Alignment of the stars I guess - happened once before I think in 3 years - noone there at 12 - waited for quite a while then declared an early lunch! :grin:


Diolch am sgwrs hyfryd Geraint ac Eileen :slightly_smiling_face:

So sorry Rich - after a few struggles with the technology, had a lovely chat with Geraint and Eileen.
Hope you had a had a nice relaxed lunch :crossed_fingers:

Hello everyone,

So, I’m not going to be around today - Liz has come down to see me and it has hammered down since she arrived! :grin: - supposed to be dry today - going to take the opportunity.

However, everyone can still log in to the meeting and chat - so give it a shot and see who is there.

Richard :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 14th of October

Let me know if you’d like to join and I’ll send you the link.


…Just for fun - and giving you a think about it beforehand if you want:

‘Activities, Frequencies / Times’

You choose activities/!frequency e.g.

  • …what things do you do once a year
  • …what about once a month or even a week
  • …what about multiples e.g twice a year

…maybe with a couple of unusual ones thrown in?:thinking:

If we have time

What happened last week…

…what will happen next week?

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

Sat 21st

So, Liz is down for the weekend and her birthday :tada: AND the forecast is dry :tada::tada: - well whadaya know - so we will take this opportunity to venture out and see the world.

However, as usual, the meeting is there in Zoom and everyone is free to join and chat as I know…

Rich :slightly_smiling_face: