The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Gwych, da iawn @LauraDI, @ailsa-emmott, @geraintdysgu, @melgreen a @lesley-dever :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Done it!

Da iawn @mark-pople :partying_face:

Done the 5 minute test.

All Done!
Michael Cross

done it!

Done it :wales:

Dw i ‘di neud :sunglasses::+1:

Done it :heavy_check_mark::grinning:

Done it….

Done it :slight_smile:

Done it…and now I’m going to have a lie down ; - )

All done, no problem!

Llwyddiant! :grinning:

Dw’i wedi gwneud, diolch yn fawr! :slight_smile:

Done it.

Hey everyone - sorry for the delay, I was on holiday! :slight_smile:

Da iawn chi, enjoy your badges! :partying_face:


Done it! I’ve really enjoyed the first few weeks. Thanks a lot!

Gwych, da iawn @RichardTurner, happy to hear that :partying_face:

Done it