I’ve now got it under 5 minutes!
Diolch yn fawr
Yes, I’ve done it!
Done it ond m’rhaid y fi ymartha moy and learn to spell
Done the five minutes. Not overly taxing yet as I can only be, speak, talk, practice, remember, forget, go, want, try, need, get, must, think, start, stop, like, and be able or unable. I’m not able to understand, shout, read, write, sleep, wake up, walk, drive, swim, eat, drink, celebrate, listen to, hear, smell, taste, see, stand, sit or lie down yet, but I am looking forward to talking about it when I can. Thanks, so far a great course.
Gwych! A diolch yn fawr am bobeth. (guessing)
Excellent, and thank you very much for everything.
Galla’i ddweud beth dw i wedi bod yn dysgu, ond alla’i ddim cofio unrhywbeth arall i ddweud.
I can say what I’ve been learning but I can’t remember anything else to say.
Dw i’n joio siarad Cymraeg i fy hun fy, ac hoffen i fwy ymarfer dweud.
I’m enjoying speaking Welsh to myself (so far) and would like more to practice speaking. Dw i’n hapus iawn bo fi wedi penderfynu dechrau dysgu
I’m very happy that I’ve decided to start learning (again at my advanced age.
Looking forward to more mp3s and a shorter wait
Done! I am having fun trying to construct sentences that use as many as possible in the same sentence
Done it
Done it
Genuinely happy with how quickly I’m learning - even if I do make liberal use of the pause button…
5 minute test all done!
Done it, i find it quite easy actually - perhaps because I’ve done levels 1,2 and 3 three times over the last 3 or 4 years.
Da iawn @david-justice, @Morgan, @evan-pryer, @carrie-dickens-1, @beth-hammond, @michael-ford-1, @csilcock a @daibanto!