
Went to a Spanish Meetup on Wednesday and was able to use some phrases from the lessons - “I’ve just started running again”.
I found that it was a lot easier to hold a conversation as SS in Sp forces you think and speak very quickly.
Thank you

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Great to hear that you’re jumping in like that - well done! And thank you very much for your kind words - hugely encouraging… :slight_smile:

Went on holiday to Madrid and Valencia with my wife and daughter’s family. Nobody else spoke Spanish so had to do most of the talking. I insisted on speaking in Spanish all the time even when people spoke back to me in English and on one occasion asked that they speak to me in Spanish as I needed to improve.

Got back and a few days later went to my usual Spanish Meetup and was congratulated on a great improvement to both confidence and ability.


And that’s the Gold Star attitude - no wonder you improved so much in such a short time :star: :star2: