Telegram Messenger

Right on the button! That’s how I took it too and the rest of his post (although perhaps slightly estranged if not apparently divorced :laughing:) reigned it back into the usual expected courtesy closing in some light banter- I too noticed the trainers, but I’m a dedicated Vans and Dunlops guy :+1:

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Apologies if my response came across as abrupt and un friendly certainly was not my intention.

My team it work often say that I am LOL

We have to stop letting cartoon characters like Tommy Robinson blue our vision of everything we do. Ignore them and they’ll go away. Their following will become insignificant.

My intention is to promote the language and nothing else. So far so good.

Dros Gymru!


No worries, Neil, I know what a nice and enthusiastic and friendly bloke you are - it’s the curse of ‘communication by text’ - pretty much impossible for people who don’t already know each other to get the underlying tone… :slight_smile:

I always overuse emojis - I remember someone saying once (like about 20 years ago!) that a smiley face might be a bit childish, and might make some people sniff a bit, but it NEVER got misunderstood… :wink:


My sense of humour is dark to be honest, my mother in law hates me. Luckily her daughter doesn’t (I don’t think).

For example during my lunch break I learned ‘rhoi iddi hi’

And ‘o’n ni’n moyn rhoi e iddi hi’ well I was in hysterics. I couldn’t explain to anyone of course.

Plentynaidd iawn, dwi’n gwybod.



I’m on great terms with my mother-in-law. Now, if I could only figure out the formula for my own mother… :wink:

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Lwcas fawr iawn!

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Ive just joined as John Young. It seems a great idea.


Still going John Young.

Lots of fun on there and lots of Welsh being spoken. I think there’s a few learners in there; Matthew, Rich Jeffries and I who have all grown together. I love it :slight_smile:

Don’t forget I’ll be up for that much anticipate cwrw a creision.