'Take' confusion

Hey there,
I’m working my way through Course 1, i’m now up to lesson 21 now and enjoying it so far :smile: .
It’s also even been mostly been making sense so far, bit of confusion as saying ‘for me’ seems to be done in 2 ways, but it seems like there is a bit of a rule there of one is used after a noun, other after a verb.
Anyway, my main question is - what is the difference between cymryd and mind â? both mean ‘to take’ as far as I can tell, so when do I use each one? Does it matter? As much as I suspect i’d get my meaning over using either, it would be nice to understand what the difference is
Any help would be useful :smile:

You “cymryd” a book from a shelf and “mynd a” it to the library.
Or “cymryd” an apple from the bowl in the kitchen and “mynd a” it into the living room.

“mynd a” means “go with”.

They are two different concepts - but English uses one word to cover them both, for some reason!

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Shwmae George.

“Cymryd” is the general meaning of “to take”, like if you were taking a shower or, as Owain said, taking something from somewhere.
“Mynd â” is if you’re taking something or someone with you, like you’re taking the dog for a walk, as you would in the lesson, or taking your wife to dinner.

Hope this helps

Aah right, so again, it’s roughly a verb/noun thing - I know not quite, but it’ll be a good start for me remembering which is which.
Thank you very much for the explanations and for replying so quickly!
And now to walk into town whilst finishing lesson 21 and starting 22 :smile:
Thanks again!

As a rule of thumb, you can always use cymryd, whereas using “mynd â” (literally to go with) would sound odd in some instances. What will happen is that as you do the lessons, you will get used to hearing “mynd â” in certain circumstances, and tend to use them there yourself because of that.

Da iawn on your progress, by the way - you’re really storming through!