Taff Wyl experience

Went to the Taff Wyl in Cardiff yesterday, proudly wearing my Dysgu Cymraeg badge. At one of the stalls a gentleman said “Faint o Cymraeg wyt ti’n gallu siarad?” to which i replied “Dw i’n gallu prynu peint o cwrw co iawn” He laughed and said “Mae hynny’n fwy na digon”

Great day out well worth a visit.


I think that will have made his day too… :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t get to bump into you at Tafwyl, I wasn’t there for long yesterday as I was still rather tired after bwtcamp. There were a few SSiWers there. It was rather hot but lots of fun. Hopefully some sort of SSiW meetup will be arranged during the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol in Cardiff?
I hope you didn’t over use your Welsh skills at the Tafwyl bars. Glad you enjoyed it. Stick at it and you will have many more sentences to use very soon.

I was at Tafwyl from 11am to about teatime on Saturday. Thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in this happy event. But needed several therapy sessions at the rehydration clinics to keep me going. Great music sessions, all age groups and several nationalities among the visitors that I could hear. I hope eisteddfod genedlaethol is just as good. Can’t wait.