Starting Level 2

How do I get this onto my phone app? I’ve got Level 1, but can’t see any buttons to press to get Level 2 up there. I’ve just this minute subscribed for Level 2, so I have paid!

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In most cases, it turns out that people who can’t see Level 2 aren’t logged in… I know it sounds a bit silly, but can you double check that and confirm? :slight_smile:

Lol yes, I am logged in and have done lesson 1. I think I’m being dopey here. I thought that somewhere on the app was a place to unlock level 2, but on reflection I’m guessing the app is only there for the free stuff. Sorry.

I’ve found sometimes I have to log out, then log in again for the app to recognise my new status. Give that a try!


Nope, the app will let you access Level 2 - Dee’s idea of logout/login sounds like a good one… :slight_smile:

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Aaaahhhh…I wasn’t logged in on my APP. I thought I was but I wasn’t! I was logged in on the main computer. It’s all working now. Thanks for the help folks. Much appreciated.