SSi - state of play, December 2016

Thank you Tatiana. Think I understand!


Great update, thanks a lot Aran. You’ve done remarkable work there, long way to go still but it’ll be fantastic when it takes off.

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Yes :slight_smile: I am really enjoying reading this update and am certainly interested in the business, vision and development side of things.

I would love an item to be included about the SSiW club…if I am remembering the term correctly… i missed that boat somewhere along the line and would love to see more ways of supporting SSiW clearly labelled on the site or in the newsletter or in your monthly update. Maybe a donate button? Or an easy way to be able to contrbute a little more when possible to the project when people are moved and able to do so :slight_smile:

Would crowdfunding for some specific projects be an option? But then crowd gifting? Is it worth setting up a foundation next to the company so that some donations are tax deductable and that this foundation sponsers specific language based projects? I see so much potential in the method you have and are developing in supporting immigrants across Europe to understand and speak the language of the new country they are living in without having to bother with alphabet etc.

Well, as you see, I am inspired by what you have shared and would love to see this as a regular item…once a month at the most and once a quarter at least :slight_smile:

Warm wishes,


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Thank you, Elkie - really interesting points there. I think one real possibility, once we’ve finished the next round of testing the SSiBorg, would be to let people donate towards particular courses - we’ll need to do a bit of work to make sure that the structures are in place, or maybe we could just run it all through a crowd-funding site… perhaps something to aim for this year… :slight_smile: