Spanish lessons for friend

I gave my friend the link from Aran’s recent email for her to access the first 10 lessons of Spanish free. She tried to access them but she gets directed to pay for them. Any suggestions? Thanks

That sounds as though she was given the post-registration offer to get the entire course for £19 - but if she carried on past that page, as long as she signed up via the link you gave her, she should then have had full access to the first 10 sessions.

What happens if she logs in now? The offer to upgrade only happens the first time someone registers.

Thanks Aran, I think she tried the offer a while ago from an email directly from you to her but the same thing happened. I had wondered if it was now being difficult because she had tried before.
I will pass on your message and let you know how she goes on.
Diolch o galon

I had wondered if it was now being difficult because she had tried before.

That’s very likely - but if the offer she followed a while back was for 10 sessions, she should have those 10 sessions - if she finished the registration process. If it was a different offer, then the subsequent one won’t override it…

She’s got it Aran!! Diolch yn fawr iawn! Smiley face!
