Southern Challenge 20 Course 1

Wow, what a language course. I can’t believe I’ve made so much progress this last month. From seriously struggling with Southern Challenge 13 (Course 1) in July, I am satisfactorily through Challenge 20 at the end of August – albeit in the short term memory.
I still have some minor issues which will iron themselves out over time.
Just a right now if anybody can assist and it’s to do with softening.
If you can say, Ti’n moyn mynd. You want to go. Then is it safe to say, Ti’n moyn gwneud. You want to go? If so, then why near the end of Challenge 20 does it say, ……ti’n moyn wneud…… (I’m surprised at what you want to do tomorrow.)
Onwards with Challenge 21 whilst simultaneously revising 13-20.
Can anybody tell me if 21-25 is likely to be as smooth as 14-20?
Aran, have a memorable holiday in Portugal. You’re always there for the SSiW community. Have some quality down time and recharge those batteries. You deserve the break.
Diolch pawb.

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In speech, “neud” is one perfectly natural ‘basic’ form of “gwneud”, it doesn’t have to be because of soft mutation. :blush:

[ So the fact it could be “Beth wyt ti moyn (ei) wneud” can be ignored. Phew!!! :blush:]


Diolch yn fawr! A phob lwc efo 21-25 :slight_smile: