I’ve moved your entry in the list at the end of the newsletter so that it appears as Cornwall (South East) - just in case someone’s looking for ‘Cornwall’ specifically and doesn’t look further down the list
Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf yn digwydd yn y Jolly Roger Caffi ym Mhortwrinkle,(Finnygook Lane, (Portwrinkle) Torpoint, PL11 3BU , Gwener 3ydd Ionawr, 10:30-hanner dydd.
The next meeting will be on Friday 3rd January 10:30am-mid-day in the cafe in Portwrinkle. We hope that you will be able to attend.
A big welcome to all Welsh learners and speakers.
Welai chi wedyn, edrych ymlaen i cyfarfod efo grwp newydd.
Firstlly, thank you to Lillian for setting up and running this group for the last two years.I am now going to try to do so but I do not know a lot of Welsh yet The next meeting of the group will be on February 7 at 10.30 at the cafe in Portwrinkle. I hope that you can join us.We welcome beginners and Welsh speakers
Yn gyntaf, diolch i Lillian am sefydlu’r grŵp hwn ac am ei redeg am y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf.
Dw i mynd yn trio i wneud e nawr ond dw i ddim yn gwybod llawer o gymraeg eto
Mae cyffarfod nesaf ar Chwefror 7 am 10.30 yn y caffi ym Mhortwrinkle.
Gobeithio chi’n gallu dod. Croeso i bob ddysgwyr a I bob siardwyr
Prynhawd da!
Just a quick note to let all SSiW meet-up group organisers and coordinators, know that I have taken responsibility for the weekly email over from Deborah. So if you have any updated information about the group you’re responsible for, please let me know and I’ll ensure the correct info goes in the email. Diolch!
Hi @sara-5! do you guys have a new date for your next meeting? The email will be going out tomorrow morning, so if you can get the relevant info to me by this evening, then I’ll include it it this week’s listings. Diolch!
The next meeting will be on Wednesday
March 4th in the cafe at Portwrinkle at 10.30am.
Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf ar dydd Gwener, Mawrth 27th 10.30am yn y caffe ym Mhortwrinkle. Gobeithio chi’n galli dod.
The next meeting will be on Friday March27th at 10.30am at the cafe in Portwrinkle.
Hello Pawb. Oes siaradwyr/dysgwrlyr yn yr ardal o Duloe? Dw I’n yno 4 - 10 o Ionawr.
Di Matthews
Shwmai Di
Oes, mae 'na dau ohonon ni’n agos i Duloe.
Beth am gyfarfod yn Looe yn ystod yr amser 'chi’n yma?
Efallai fe fydd bore dydd Gwener yn well, tua 10:30am, os fydd hynny’n iawn ichi?
Hwyl am nawr,
Lillian (lillian@environomics.co.uk)