South East Cornwall Meet-up

Diolch @LillianMSH! That will be in today’s newsletter :slight_smile:

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I hope the meetup went well @LillianMSH. I’ll put the December date in the newsletter once you publish it here.

Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf ar Mercher 28fed Tachwedd. Anfon e-bost os 'dach chi eisiau gwybod ble, os gwelwch yn dda. Croeso i bawb!

The next meeting will be on Wed 28 Nov 10:30am-midday - location to be decided. Please send me an email if you are interested in meeting up. All learners and speakers welcome.


Cyfarchion y tymor.

Nadelik Lowen ha Blydhen Nowydh Da - Some Cornish Greetings!

Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf ar Mercher 2 Ionawr 2019 -10:30 tan hanner dydd. Yn y café ym Mhortwrinkle. Croeso i bawb!

The next meeting will be on Wed 2 Jan 10:30am-midday - in the Jolly Roger cafe in Portwrinkle. There is a pay and display car park next to it. Please send me an email if you are interested in meeting up or need directions. All learners and speakers welcome.


Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf ar Mercher 16 Ionawr 2019 -10:30 tan hanner dydd. Wn i ddim ble eto. Os hoffech chi dod, allwch chi anfon neges i mi? Diolch. Croeso i bawb!

Os chi’n hoffi cwrdd gyda ni, ond chi ddim yn gallu gwneud bore dydd Mercher, plis anfon neges imi. Ni’n hapus i gwrdd bore Sadwrn, os bydd yn well!

The next meeting will be on Wed 16 Jan 10:30am-midday - not sure where yet. If you are interested in joining this small but very friendly group for an hour and half of speaking Welsh, with lots of coffee please let me know. If you would like to attend but can’t do Wed mornings, please let me know that too as we are happy to try meetings on Saturday mornings instead. All learners and speakers welcome.


Dydh da Lillian (that’s dydd da in Cornish, of course — same pronunciation :smile: )

Just found your thread here — it sounds like your group is going well, which is great! I’m a Kernewegores (Cornish speaker) myself — unfortunately I live a long way from Kernow, but I go for holidays there whenever I can, at least once or twice a year. I’m eager to learn some Welsh too, and if I’m ever in your area (around Looe, I take it?) when you have a meet-up, I would love to come along!

Have you ever made contact with any of the Cornish language classes or informal conversation groups (Yeth an Werin, they’re called) in Cornwall? There may be some other Cornish speakers who already know some Welsh or would like to learn. Here’s a map with their locations, if you’re interested (click on each one for contact details) — none very near Looe, but it might be worth getting in touch. Again, maybe I’ll see you at one of your meetings some day. :slight_smile:


Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf ar dydd Llun 11 Chewefror 2019 -10:30 tan hanner dydd. Wn i ddim ble eto. Os hoffech chi dod, allwch chi anfon neges i mi? Diolch. Croeso i bawb!

Os chi’n hoffi cwrdd gyda ni, ond chi ddim yn gallu gwneud bore Llun, plis anfon neges imi. Ni’n hapus i gwrdd bore Sadwrn, os bydd yn well!

The next meeting will be on Mon 11 Feb 10:30am-midday - not sure where yet. If you are interested in joining this small but very friendly group for an hour and half of speaking Welsh, with lots of coffee please let me know. If you would like to attend but can’t do weekday mornings, please let me know that too as we are happy to try meetings on Saturday mornings instead. All learners and speakers welcome.


Sorry @LillianMSH, I’ve just realised I had this in the newsletter as WED 11th, when it should have been Monday, but I didn’t have a location so I’m guessing people will have contacted you to find out.

I hope the meetup went well. Let me know when you have a date and location for the next one, and I’ll update the details in the newsletter.

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Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf bore dydd Llun 4 Mawrth 2019 -10:30 tan hanner dydd. Yn y Jolly Sailor Cafe, Portwrinkle. Os hoffech chi dod, allwch chi anfon neges i mi? Diolch. Croeso i bawb!

Os chi’n hoffi cwrdd gyda ni, ond chi ddim yn gallu gwneud bore Llun, plis anfon neges imi. Ni’n hapus i gwrdd bore Sadwrn, os bydd yn well!

The next meeting will be on Mon 4 March 10:30am-midday - at the Jolly Sailor Cafe Portwrinkle. If you are interested in joining this small but very friendly group for an hour and half of speaking Welsh, with lots of coffee please let me know. If you would like to attend but can’t do weekday mornings, please let me know that too as we are happy to try meetings on Saturday mornings instead. All learners and speakers welcome.


Bore da, Lillian, glad to know your Cymraeg meet-ups in Kernow are still going! :slight_smile: Are they usually in the first week of the month? I’m hoping to be in Cornwall later in the year (probably not till September or October, though) and if the timing works out, I would love to come along and try a bit of Welsh. I’ll keep an eye on your thread here and let you know if I can make it at the time. Diolch / meur ras :star2:


Shwmai Courtenay, thanks for this note.
It would be lovely to have you join us when you are in Cornwall later in the year. We tend to meet every 2-3 weeks, now normally on a Monday (as I work mid weeks), but we are quite flexible. I will keep posting details here, and when you know more about when you will be down, we can try to work something out.
Hwyl am nawr,


Dwi’n falch iawn. Cawson ni bump o bobl yn ein cyfarfod diwethaf.
Bydd y cyfarfod nesa Bore Llun, 8fed Ebrill yn y caffi Jolly Roger ym Mhortwrinkle am 10:30 tan hanner dydd. Os chi’n hoffi ymuno gyda ni, anfon neges imi. os gwelwch yn dda!

I’m very proud - our very keen and friendly SSiW group in SE Cornwall is going from strength to strength. At the last meeting we had 3 learners and 2 fluent speakers. Our next meeting will be on 8 April, in the Jolly Roger Cafe Portwrinkle. Parking on the adjacent parking area is £2 for two hours - if the machine is working.


Fantastic news - well done to all of you! :star: :star2:

Hi @LillianMSH! Is this group still meeting? I’ll be in Cornwall in June (2019) and your group sounds so friendly. I’m studying the South Wales 6 month course.
Hope to meet some ‘live’ Welsh speakers in Cornwall. Linda

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Hi the next meeting will be on Monday 8th April at the cafe in Portwrinkle. 10:30 till mid-day . It’s called the Jolly Roger I think. Parking is on site (£2 for 2 hours - if the meter is working). All learners and fluent speakers welcome!

At the moment we meet about once a month in the coastal cafes in south east Cornwall. So if your are in Cornwall at a particular time/location please let me know and we will try to fit our meeting dates sound your availability.

Shwmai, bydd y cyfarfod nesaf SSiW De Cernyw yn digwydd bore dydd Llun 8fed Ebrill. Yn y cafe ym Mhortwrinkle. O hanner arr wedi deg i hanner dydd.
Croeso i bob ddysgwyr a phob siaradwyr hefyd.


Thanks Linda
Yes we meet about once a month now. Let me know when/where you will be in June (so long as it’s in SE Cornwall - Looe/Portwrinkle area) and we will try to fit a meeting around you.

Best wishes with your studying, L x

Hi Lilian,
I live in Camborne and am on week five level one, would love to try and join in if I can make it when you next meet,
Many thanks

Hi Eirian, thanks you would be most welcome to join us. We now meet in the Jolly Roger Cafe in Portwrinkle (as that is half way between the Looe contingency and the Plymouth/Cawsands contingency) and the cafe is open all year round and has parking beside it. £2 for two hours if the machine is working. Please keep in touch. In our group, we have some fluent Welsh speakers, one new learner and two of us have been re-learning our school days Welsh for a few years now. Hope you will be able to come over to SE Cornwall to join us sometime soon.

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Shwmai, dwi’n falch iawn! Bore 'ma yn yr y haul ar lan y mor, eisteddon ni mas yn yr ardd ac yn edrych dros y mor, yn y caffi yn Portwrinkle, cawson ni tri ddysgwyr a thri siaradwyr. Bore bendigedig oedd e. Croeso mawr i bawb tro nesaf!
Hi I’m very proud. This morning at our SSiW meeting we had 6 people - 3 learners and 3 fluent speakers. It was brilliant to sit in the sunshine in a coastal cafe on the south Cornwall coast and speak and listen to Welsh for 90 minutes. Welcome to all learners and Welsh speakers.
Next meeting will be at the Jolly Roger cafe, Portwrinkle, 10:30am-12 noon Monday 29 April.


Nos da Lillian, could you let me know the date of your next meetup, please?
Diolch yn fawr,