Some feedback on SSW experience so far

@henddraig, @Matilda

If you have to be perfect, but never in speech where perfection is not expected, try

Put in what you think it is, in Welsh, and not only will it tell you what is wrong, if anything, but why, and give you better suggestions. It’s not a translation tool but an extremely useful grammar checker.

But there will come a time when you will believe @aran and that most people will neither notice nor care about ‘mistakes’ you may be making.

Are you speaking Welsh? Does the other person understand? That’s good enough.


No desire to be perfect! Dammit, at my age it’s a bit late to aim for that! In speech it worries me not at all. But I don’t have much chance to speak, so if I do anything, it is type and that lays all bare. Every spelling mistake screams off the page/screen! Every missing mutation or extra not needed mutation practically jumps up and down like the dancing dragons, yelling, “Look at me!”

So it’s handy to know which mistakes are really damning and which might pass without comment!