Should I do a formal course?whats next after level 3?

Diolch. Not sure what Sadwrn siariad is thought it was for those doing a course

I guess that’s because many (or even most?) follow a school calendar, so they’re about to end now and they probably don’t have next year ones planned yet.

But if you want to try a couple of lessons of different levels of courses to figure out if they’re a thing for you I can ask if you can join for a test lesson special guest like I did. :wink:
If so, just send me PM and we’ll see.

If you look at the " website, ALL of the formal course are online (look under digital resources) and ALL of the course books are there too. Free. Don’t even need to log in. Gotta love lockdown. Download all the books and learn away.

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no, but I am doing Sylfaen, and they have said that we will be still using Zoom next year in an email.

Ring and ask.

The course books? I’ve seen the lessons on there. I’ve got the sylfaen coursebook from when I attempted to teach myself using various books years ago. Was hard not hearing the Welsh. And I was quite young. Options. :slight_smile:

Very good point. A first language Welsh-speaker friend of mine has often been surprised by just how many “secret” Welsh-speakers there are in S and SE Wales, but they need something to come out of their shells, so any Welsh opening gambit will do. It’s the same after all in any language to an extent. People won’t engage, necessarily, unless you engage them. Call it shyness!

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Anyone can join these courses, you may get an e-mail asking for your learning history as you’re not on their books, but open to everyone. Did my first Sadwrn Siarad Uwch yesterday, very enjoyable. There is one on the 18th July that is free to join. The others SS are normally £5

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This is me in English and Welsh. Need to come out of my shell :rofl: learning Welsh has been a great way to challenge my social awkwardness though. Huge leaps that will definitely help me generally.

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