Sentence Starts

Prynhawn Da Pawb,

Dwi di bod yn dysgu cymraeg am chwech mis rwan. Dwi’n newydd dechrau lefel 3 on SSIW.

The part I struggle with most through SSIW at the moment is the start of sentences which flit between current tense, past tense and the third person for phrases such as the below.

She said they would
We were talking
Ours are
Did you have
They Want
They wanted
I don’t think you should give
I wanted
He said

I’m fine with remembering the actual adjectives and verbs I just struggle to remember which start of the sentence to use.

Has anyone got any specific tips on how to remember all these or is there a definitive list available anywhere?

Really really appreciate anyone that may be able to help.

Diolch yn y fawr

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Yes to be fair some of these are fairly tricky, with mixed tenses etc.

The vocab lists are here:

Levels 1 and 3 are futher down the topic.

perffaith, diolch John

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