After missing last week it was nice to turn up tonight with so many people asking how my recovery was going, it made me feel very lucky. This group of people are really special.
Tonight was one of those ‘nothing happened but the conversation’ type of nights, just a group of people sitting around shooting the breeze. Fantastic practice, there is no better way to practise your Welsh than a relaxed chat over a drink.
I don’t think even at mini bootcamp I have understood so much and talked so much (ysbwriel). I didn’t even feel nervous which for me is quite an achievement!
However the downside to learning Welsh is of course how it messes with your brain. Not only am I now inserting Welsh words into English sentences but I am finding it difficult to dress myself properly. I blame this on the difference between English adjective noun, and Welsh noun adjective. Everything is back to front.
Yep, as Peter said another great night in this great venue. About 15 of us there again last night. For the majority of the night I had a fascinating conversation with Alistair, the pharmacist in the Maelor hospital, who was explaining what his job entails. I never realised what they do behind the scenes, very interesting, fair play.
Come along if you are free on a Monday night if you want to practise your Welsh in a supportive, relaxed and friendly environment.
Wel heno, lle oedd Geraint? Oedd o’n hwylio ar y môr unwaith eto? Neu oedd o’n siarad ar Skype.
Wel beth bynnag, oedd yn noson gwych eto efo Carl Clowes. Wnaeth o siarad am Nant Gwytheyrn a gweithio tramor. Oedd yn diddorol iawn. Do’n i ddim yn medru deallt popeth ond wnes i fwynhau trio.
Well tonight, where was Geraint? Was he sailing on the sea again? Or he was talking on Skype.
Well anyway, it was a great night again with Carl Clowes. He spoke about Nant Gwytheyrn and working abroad. It was very interesting. I wasn’t able to understand everything but i enjoyed trying.
It seems like SSiW is starting to take over these Monday nights in Wrexham, there were 5 people there tonight who are using/have used the courses. And those who haven’t are always impressed at how quickly it works.
The Saith Seren Christmas party will be held on the 12th of December so we’re starting to get a few details sorted, it’s looking good already.
Both Bob and Danny were there tonight all the way from Wigan and they came separately, that’s dedication for you.