Repeat or push on?

No revision, just keep pushing on? I know that is what the emails say (which I love and they keep me motivated) but it is so hard to fight all those years of being told the best way to study. I’m trying though …:cold_sweat:

You’ll look back and realise how well the course works.

This past two days i have had the opportunity to speak welsh in two cafes. Today was amazing (for me)…i ordered a couple of meals and two coffees, fully expecting that would be all i needed to do. I hadnt realised the meals had options and was asked a couple of questions like a 33rpm record on a 78 setting.

But i managed to answer…same when the meals came…not the hardest of questions but one i understood and answered.

The method works. Stick with it :slight_smile:


Da iawn Peter . Makes all the hard work worth while doesn’t it


Indeed it does…Monday i’m off to Caernarfon for the day and next weekend to Aberdaron. Should be fun!


Since I’ve started learning Welsh it’s made me want to see a lot more of Wales. Thinking of taking a trip to some Welsh speaking areas down in South Wales . There is so much of Wales I haven’t seen yet .


It’s hard to accept when you’re new to it - don’t worry, we get that! - but it really is worth pushing yourself on this, because what’s trying to trip you up is your school-created belief that you don’t know something until you have perfect control over recall - which just isn’t how memory formation actually works.

If you push on, you’ll get the revision that you need, automatically, in each session - and you’ll end up able to produce what you need on demand far faster than if you fall into the trap of doing each session multiple times… :slight_smile:

And remember, once you get to the end of a course/level, you can always go back to the beginning (but at that point, you’ll discover that the first sessions have become far too easy for you!)…