Pump am y Penwythnos / Friday Five 27/09/2019

  1. Badly explain your job/previous job/occupation/vocation and let’s see if we can guess what you do. here’s some inspiration

  2. It’s the weekend, where are we off to tonight?

  3. What keeps you awake at night?

  4. What’s the greatest trip you ever took?

  5. What are you proud of yourself for?

  6. Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…


1. Badly explain your job/previous job/occupation/vocation and let’s see if we can guess what you do.
Explaining the inexplicable to the uninterested using maths more than words.
2. It’s the weekend, where are we off to tonight?
Bed - ready for Cloncedigion in Newqay tomorrow :grinning:
3. What keeps you awake st night?
How grim and unfriendly the world is. On the other hand my own family and friends do more than offset the gloom.
4. What’s the greatest trip you ever took?
It’s a toss-up between my 70th birthday gourmand tour of France and Spain and a Route 66 inspired road trip with my son round USA and a family road trip round N & S New Zealand
5. What are you proud of yourself for?
I can recite e (the base of natural logarithms) to 16 decimal places and I can say the English alphabet backwards.
6. Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
Q: When will it stop? :frowning:
A: You tell me.

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Badly explain your job/previous job/occupation/vocation and let’s see if we can guess what you do. here’s some inspiration

I touch people to find out where they hurt

It’s the weekend, where are we off to tonight?

Nowhere, staying in with a take-away :slight_smile:

What keeps you awake st night?

I assume you mean because you can’t stop thinking about it but currently:
My wife now takes up more of the bed (pregnancy pillow)
The cats scratching our bedroom door.

What’s the greatest trip you ever took?
You may have to wait for the Eisteddfod Entries to find out :wink:

What are you proud of yourself for?
Learning Welsh

Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it…
Q: Can you name all US states in less than 6 minutes?

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  1. I keep people alive til the morning because it’s more money and less work.

  2. To do the above. Perhaps to see the WW tomorrow.

  3. The fact that if I fall asleep I would get struck off

  4. Asia, overland, twice.

  5. I can knit an elegant and beautiful moebius scarf, without cheating.

  6. How many miles is it between the 14 churches of the Local Ministry Area and is it possible to walk it in a single day. 32 and Yes.

Badly explain your job/previous job/occupation/vocation and let’s see if we can guess what you do. here’s some

I moved a lot of bits and bytes around, and did my best to see that they obeyed my particular (peculiar) set of rules.

It’s the weekend, where are we off to tonight?

Anywhere you fancy. :wink:

What keeps you awake at night?

Ahem, at my age, mostly my bladder. Sorry, but you did ask.

What’s the greatest trip you ever took?

A tour of Peru would be the most exotic I suppose.

But I think I mostly enjoyed cycling around southern Ireland and northern Germany.
Have had lots of good times in former eastern Germany (Thüringen, centred around Jena).

What are you proud of yourself for?

At the time, thinking I was making a difference, which I did in various campaigns. With hindsight, I am not so sure. Pride comes before a fall, so I try not to be too proud too often. Looking up “pride” in the Google bible, I see that “proud” and “haughty” are not the same. I’m almost never “haughty”. Can’t say the same about “naughty” though. :wink:

Make up your own Friday Five question and answer it

Will you tell us a joke?
What’s red and smells like blue paint?


Red paint.

(Click on “Summary” to get the answer)