Penblwydd hapus yn 50 Aran!

Sorry I missed your big day @aran
Very many happy returns :clinking_glasses:

Penblwydd Hapus fawr iawn Aran! What you and everyone at SSIW are doing is anhygoel!


Penblwydd hapus iawn, iawn, Aran. Speriamo cent ‘anni😀

Gelukkige verjaardag, Aran! Een halve eeuw, dat begint te tellen!

Somewhat belatedly, Happy 50th Birthday, @aran. May your next half century be just as glorious!

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Penblwydd hapus Aran; mae eich gwaith chi yn bwysig iawn i ddyfodol yr iaith Cymraeg.


Skipping in at the back to wish you penblwydd hapus iawn, Aran! Here’s to the next 50 years :wink:

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Llongyfarchiadau ar dy hanner cant, Aran.

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Happy birthday Aran.
50 is a nice round number, unlike 49 which is a square.


50 is a nice round number, unlike 49 which is a square.

In only another 14 years you’ll be a square, a cube and the square of a cube. :laughing:


Belated Happy Birthday Aran! Sorry to be late but we had a big family celebration on Sunday - the Christenings of our two youngest grandchildren. I am sure that you had a wonderful time and will have many happy memories to keep you going until the next big one!! X


Penblwydd hapus Aran. Have a good one.:gift:

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Penblwydd hapus Aran.
I prefer to thing of it as 25 and a quarter.
(25 years and quarter a century).

pump ar ugain a chwarter???


Hwyr pen-blwydd hapus wyt ti’n edrych i ifanc i fod yn 50 (Belated Happy Birthday.You look to young to be 50)

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Penblwydd hapus hwyr…Gobeithio gest ti benblwydd dedwydd

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Penblwydd hapus i ti!

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Penblwydd hapus Aran. You have never turned away from any of my endless questions, always helpful and supportive. Vicki

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Buon compleanno, Aran!

(sorry it’s a bit late, but it seems the Italian version wasn’t there yet, so I’m sending it anyway!)

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Tante grazie! :slight_smile:

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Ymddiheuriadau am bo’fi mor hwyr …
Sorry to be so late …
(I have been on holiday for a week on Ynys Mon with lots of family commitments and little time to use the internet - oh, and stuff like sorting out buying a house by talking to Estate Agents and Lawyers in Y Gymraeg)

Penblwydd Hapus iawn iawn, Aran, a chroeso i dy bumdegau :slight_smile:
(Fi sy’n mynd i gyrraedd fy chwedegau flwyddyn nesa’!)

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