Norfolk meet-up

I’ve just found this thread about a Norfolk meet-up and would be interested to join you if I’m not in Wales that week! I live near Holt. I’ve completed Level 3 (Gogledd) and am working through the Advanced listening chats.


Congratulations on completing Level 3!
You would be most welcome at the Sheringham Park meeting on 22 September at 2pm. There is also an earlier meeting being planned at Mousehole Heath on 2 September. So keep an eye on the Forum if you think would like to attend this as well.
Best wishes

Hello Janice

I would love to come to the 2nd September one but will be able - sounds great!

Hello Jenny - Holt not far from me - I am near Swaffham.

Julie :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry Janice - meant to say ‘unable’ not ‘able’ ! :rofl:

Hello Janice and all others on the Norfolk Meet Up project. I’ve just returned from a holiday in mighty Harlech and so home to check my inbox. Great work Janice many thanks. I’d be very happy to attend the 2pm Mousehold Heath meeting on the 2nd and have pencilled in the Sheringham Park walk. Ironically I did hardly any Welsh or SSiW practise while in Gwynedd as I was in the company of my rigidly Anglophone family. At least I shouted Gethin a lot (the name of our dog).

Hi Richard, and everyone. I did repond earlier to your email Richard, but since it does not appear on the Forum page am writing again. The walk on Mousehole Heath may or may not be guided / interpreted. It depends on who attends, or responds in the meantime. Anyway Will Stewart the Warden advises to meet at the St Michael’s Hill car park in Britannia Road. Will confirm details tomorrow. Also am keeping an eye on the weather forecast!

Helo Janice,just read your message about a meetup in Sheringham park on September 22.I would like to come along and join in the chat.I am originally from Tredegar in Blaenau Gwent,and moved to Ipswich in the late 70s.We spoke little Welsh and it was not taught in the schools,therefore when I retired I decided to start learning and used SSIW and this year started the Mynediad cwrs gyda Coleg Morganwg ym Merthyr Tudful arlein wrth cwrs.If the meetup is definitley still on I shall book a stay at a local caravan park which is just around the corner from Sheringham Park.If you could kindly confirm this asap I will book the site.PS I know John Maynard from Kings Lynn very well since he started up language meetups in Dereham. Cofion cynnes Bob Westacott

Dear Bob

Thank you for your email. You would of course be most welcome to attend the event, and I note that you intend to actually stay nearby for this. All I can say at this stage is that Richard Daplyn the NT Countryside Manager has confirmed the date, a guide has been arranged and John Maynard has very kindly agreed to assist with the ‘interpreting’. However, as the saying goes, ‘the best laid plans’ etc: if the weather forecast for the day is absolutely awful, then this might lead to cancellation, and perhaps in those circumstances another day soon might be arranged, but obviously I cannot absolutely guarantee the event will take place. Usually September weather is mild and clement, and that’s what I am hoping for.
Best wishes

Diolch Janice. If it gets too tricky sorting out a tour guide and interpreter in the time available perhaps we can get some paper guides to Mousehold Heath and have a stab at our own interpreting as we wander about? I have a pocket Welsh learner’s dictionary just purchased in Harlech. I look forward to trying it out. It would be a shame if rain stopped play. I don’t mind getting wet as long as it’s not too cold which I hope will not be the case in September.

Richard, thank you for your thoughts on this. As previously stated the Mousehold Heath meeting on 2 September has been cancelled and Will Stewart has acknowledged my email informing him that this is so. He has kindly said that I may contact him again at a later date, and it may be, assuming the Sheringham Park meeting is successful, then something in October might be arranged.
Very best wishes

Richard, just to add that I think Sheringham Park is the safer option for the time being because of all the sea air. Norfolk, and North Norfolk especially, has been comparatively fortunate in terms of Covid than other places, but some scientists are now advising caution as schools and colleges re-assemble.

I can’t find any further notifications re the Sheringham Park meet up. I don’t really know what’s happening. Mea culpa probably as I seem pretty useless with social media. Be that as it may I’ve been running a slightly sore throat the last few days with a voice hoarse to match. I was hoping it would have cleared up by now but it hasn’t so I think it’s not well advised I come to the meeting. I’m very sorry I was looking forward to it and I think, if today is anything to go by, the weather might be nice.

If it’s happening I hope everybody has a nice time and speaks loads of Cymraeg!


Thanks for your email. I posted a message only yesterday to everyone to say the meeting tomorrow at Sheringham Park at 2 pm was going ahead, and I cannot understand why it isn’t showing on the Forum page. Quite a few other recent messages seem to have disappeared too. Anyway I am sorry you are not well enough to come.
Best wishes