New to forum, seeking advice

Hi. This is my first day on the forum. Looking forward to learning and connecting to my heritage in the long term. In the short term, I’m working on a small craft project for a friend that includes the old labor slogan “no gods no masters” and I’m trying to get an accurate translation into Welsh. Any advice would be great.



I am not a first-language speaker of Welsh, but I’d suggest
Dim duw, dim meistr
Or maybe Heb dduw, heb feistr (literally without god, without master)
But I’d be happy for anyone else to chime in as well.

Also: croeso i’r fforwm (Welcome to the forum)!
We’re always happy to help people on their journey to learn Welsh, so if there is anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.


I might also chime in that you and your friend both would perhaps like to have at back of mind that this has become a well known Anarchist theme. Keeping the right historical context would be key for your project.
Welcome to the forum!

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… or the Left historical context, as it were. Thank you! :wink:

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Oh, I can see that we shall be like to iron blades straight from the get go :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Out of curiousity, is this singular (duw, not duwiau) for the same reason that we use singular nouns after numbers? Is “dim” actually just like a cardinal here?

Is it another remnant of the vigesimal system noted elsewhere (@Toffidil mentioned it a while back)
I’ve had a hard time trying to find anything much either, but my Cymraes assures me that it was why the Cymry were all good at mathematics.