Menter Iaith Caerdydd - 2023 Events

To order tickets to the event above, go to The Queer Emporium - Events

If you fancy learning a little about the unique Welsh style of rhyming within the line in poetry, then here’s your chance:

Dosbarthiadau Cynganeddu 2023-24.
Bydd y Dosbarthiadau Cynganeddu yn dechrau nos Fawrth 10fed o Hydref.
Bydd y Dosbarth Profiadol, dan arweiniad Aron Pritchard, rhwng 18:30 – 19:45.
Dyma’r ddolen i gofrestru:
Yna bydd y Dosbarth Dechreuwyr, dan arweiniad y Prifardd Gruffudd Owen, rhwng 19:45 – 21:00. Bydd modd ymuno â’r dosbarth hwn yn rhithiol.
Dyma’r ddolen i gofrestru:

You will have to have reached the stage where you’re a reasonably advanced learner / new Welsh speaker to get the most out of it, but if you’re in that category and want to push your Welsh on a little, this is a good way to do it, and you can join in online.

Two guided tours in Welsh with a chance for a cuppa afterwards - a good opportunity to get to know Welsh speakers in Caerdydd!