Meeting up at Eisteddfod Tregaron

Just heading back there now. Will probably stay there and read /chat while my phone charges. Also need tips on where to buy new air beds round here. (Two of ours are now flat!) I have a funny colourful t shirt on and a blue hat…

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did you find airbeds?

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Did you have any success with getting your phone charged? The information kiosk just inside the entrance only tells about the solar charger outside S4C, which isn’t going to be a pretty option in the rain tomorrow. And several of the charging points don’t work.

Yes, we did find airbeds! We went all the way to Aberystwyth to be sure… Bought the two we thought we needed, got ‘home’ and discovered that a third also had a puncture! So guess what - in the interest of parity, I am still on the emergency one. :confused:

I tend to go and chat up a friendly seeming person with a socket. The maes D is my go to place (but it’s not official, obviously, so they can’t do everyone. Bring a portable charger unless you’re doing tent camping!)

We’ve recently bought some puncture repair tape for our summer kids pool. It’s really easy to use and seems to be a permanent fix. If you want me to bring some tomorrow just let me know.

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Ooh, good idea! I hate to throw them away, so the dead ones are still in the corner of the tent. Thanks for the offer, but I think we’re packing up to go home tomorrow. I’ll look into that though. Although I wonder how hard it is to find the punctures - or whether all the seals are just getting dodgy with age…

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The old trick with cycle tyres was to pump them up then immerse them bit by bit in water and look for bubbles.
It was nice to see you the other day at the Institute of Physics Stand. Sorry for yelling " netmouse" across the Pentre G & Th. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::smile:


Weirdly, I quite like it when people yell netmouse across the maes! :rofl:


I will be going to the eisteddfod on Saturday (6th). It’s my first time at one, and I’ll be travelling alone. I’m very nervous about using my, still limited, Welsh and am hoping someone will be around on that day that I could say hi to and practice a little?
Will someone be at the Maes D on Saturday please?


I will be on my own on Saturday as well! Happy to meet up!
Cofion gore,

I’ve just finished a 5 afternoon stint on the Institute of Physics stand in the Science and Technology village on the Maes. I really enjoyed my time especially explaining our demos and watching the faces of the many children of all ages. I was the example of what a physicist need not be - an old white man with white hair :smile:. This was offset by having a cool young student as well as a professional team of women on the IOP staff.

(Allow me a little plug here). Our main message was to show that Physics was open and attractive to a much wider range of gender and ethnic groups than is currently the case. The IOP’s “Limitless” campaign is characterised by the motto “Torriwch y ffiniau” / “Break the boundaries”

The highlight of the week, however, was the evening at the Vale tafarn in Felinfach where we heard a fantastic concert from @Hendrik and the hugely talented ap Dafydd family.

@kirsty-james and @littley1974. I’m sorry I won’t be on the Maes on Saturday (dwi wedi blino’n racs / I’m completely exhausted), but I know from experience that you will have an enjoyable, welcoming and not-at-all scary experience.


Yes please!! I’m trying to work out what time I’ll arrive as I’m driving myself. What time will you be there?

It was absolutely lovely to see everyone! Now I’m back home enjoying the pure luxury of a bed that doesn’t slowly disintegrate in the night!! (If anyone has any bright ideas about how to mend 3 dead airbeds, that doesn’t include dunking them inflated in a friendly swimming pool…?)

All our kids loved your stall, @HuwJones! We were wondering in the car whether the amazing electronic noise-producing thing has a name? (Also, the oboes have continued to develop and some of them now play multiple ‘notes’ and have been used in ‘harmony’ :rofl:)

I hope that everyone still there or on the way has an equally brilliant time!


Hi, I’m not exactly sure - I have to leave my accommodation by 10 tomorrow which is half an jour away. How about 11 by the info tent (on the right after you go in?) If we swap contact details would that help?
Looking forward to meeting you!

Sue :blush:

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I’m delighted your kids enjoyed our “Theremin”, @netmouse. I have to say it was the star of our show for children of all ages. :grinning: . Here’s a Wikipedia article
Explaining the Physics in Welsh was quite a challenge. :crazy_face:
Kudos for producing a straw oboe ensemble. As they discovered, you can raise the pitch by shortening the straw. If you’re a real expert, you can also change pitch by altering the pressure on the “mouthpiece”.


I’m not entirely sure if I’m going to pass on that bit of information!

Thanks for the ‘Theremin’ article. (In a previous life I once played in a performance of Messiaen including an ‘onde martinot’, which is definitely a relative…)

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I once played in a performance of Messiaen including an ‘onde martinot’, which is definitely a relative…)

Wow! respect. I think Martenot definitely acknowledged the link to the Theremin.


If anyone wants to see and hear a Theremin being played, this is my favourite band - Wintergatan:

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