Meet-ups in Chepstow / Monmouth Area

Do you have any meet-ups in the Chepstow / Monmouth area?

I don’t know if this still happens (it was a post from last year) but maybe worth a try.

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This one is from the weekly newsletter - sign up here if you don’t get it:

Cas-Gwent (Chepstow) - 4th Sat of the month, 10.30 to 12.00, The Lime Tree, Chepstow (contact nic )

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The session in Chepstow is in the Lime Tree in St Mary Street 10.30 - 12.00. It is a combined coffee morning and breakfast club with SSiW, Menter Iaiath and Coleg Gwent. We meet on table 19…
Cymdeithas Gymraeg Gas-gwent meets in the Woodfield Arms the fourth Thursday every month 8.00 - 9.00
Menter Iaith/Coleg Gwent organise meetings the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30 also in the Woodfield Arms.
A Welsh centre will soon be opening in Chepstow.

There are certainly two coffee sessions in Monmouth, one ion Monday n the Esteron coffee lounge 10.00-1100 run by Menter Iaith and another run by Coleg Gwent on Friday afternoon in The Marches Deli, Monnow Street, 2.00 - 3.00.
Monmouth Welsh society organises meetings in Monmouth and every other week there is a reading group in the library…