Meet-up in New England, US (restarting on Zoom)

EDIT - See further down for the latest - now meeting over Zoom

How do I add a monthly Welsh language meet-up to the list please? We’re about to get started with one here in New England
Here are the details:
A Welsh chat group with the Welsh Society of Western New England!

4th Saturday of the month. 10:30Am - 12 noon at Panera Bread, Evergreen Walk, 100 Hemlock Ave, South Windsor, CT. Contact Sue at



@Deborah-SSi :slight_smile: :heart:

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Fantastic! I’ll get that added in to the next newsletter :slight_smile:

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I’ve posted it in the North American channel of the Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group as well. You never know, someone may live in the New England area :slight_smile:


Diolch Dee!!!

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This sounds really good-- @susanDavies. I’ve emailed you for further information.

I’m only a participant sorry

Dee can you reply to her ???

Here’s the latest for the New England meetups happening on Zoom:

Level 1 beginners’ conversation which meets on Zoom at 5pm Eastern twice a month and

Level 3 (Intermediate plus) which meets on Zoom at 5pm Eastern every Tuesday.

Everyone welcome. Contact to get the Zoom link and @SusanDavies for more information.