Llety Arall - a fantastic idea for a Welsh centre in Caernarfon

Fantastic Sam! Da iawn ti!

We can’t make it unfortunately, Aran has to work and I have the kids. But all the best to everyone volunteering and thank you so much for giving your time for such an important and historical project!


I wish I could help out, but it is a bit far …

I’m thinking I might see if there’s something for me to do there on the few days after April bootcamp when I will be staying in Wales.


As their first ever overseas supporter, I’m sure they’ll be very keen to meet you @Sionned!

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I hate bringing old threads back to life, but I couldn’t resist on this one.

I visited Caernarfon on the weekend (again this was a complete out of nowhere decision. Lara in work all day, nothing for me to do, wake up at 8.45am, I was on the A487 by 8.55am). I popped along to a learners session at Palas Print and I was honoured to actually be given a bit of tour around the new Llety Arall building by a couple of people running the build.

For those who haven’t seen the building, I cannot express in words just how massive the building is! I naively thought being on a street with a load of shops it might’ve been a one level or two level affair with a basement or something… Boy, I was wrong… I lost count of the number of floors after about 5! It really is huge.

There is still a lot of work to do, but with a lot of the plasterboard going up this week, I think it’s going to start looking very good, very soon. The plans sound incredibly exciting and this will be amazing once its done and dusted.

Being a former clothes shop, they have about what must be 1,000,0000,000 sets of clothes hangers upstairs that they are trying to get rid of, so if you’re in Caernarfon and you need some clothes hangers - get in touch with them :slight_smile:


Aww Nicky! You should have said you were in Caernarfon - I’d have popped in for a panad with you!


I know! I was debating putting a message on the forum half way up, but my reception was pretty bad!

I will be up again in about 2/3 weeks hopefully, so I will let the interested parties know closer to the day :smiley:


Hey, NIcky! Looks like you got the same tour I got when I was there in April. And it sounds like they’ve gotten much farther along than when I was there.


I attended the Llety Arall shareholders general meeting this evening . The building work is coming on fairly well and it looks as though 2 of the rooms and the available shop space downstairs will be ready before too long


It’s been a while since this fantastic community project was started, but they’ll be having their first guests staying there next weekend! Here are some excerpts from the latest news with tasks that still need to be done:

The first customer will stay next weekend 1st & 2nd March

Angen neud yn siwr bod y lle’n hollol lân, felly glanhau unwaith eto.
We need to ensure that the it is completely clean again
Mae’r gwaith ar yr ail lawr yn mynd yn dda hefyd (ac felly pethau i’w wneud)

The work to the second floor is well under way

  • Gorffen ynysu o dan y llawr
  • Finish insulating under the floor
  • Ynysu’r waliau efo gwlan
  • Insulate the walls with wool
  • Cario byrddau plastr i’r ail lawr (pobl cryf)
  • Carry plasterboards to the second floor (strong people)

Sadwrn 9:30 - 4:00 Saturday
Sul 9:30 - 1:30 Sunday
23 a 24 - 02 - 19,

Cyfle i weld y lle hefyd!
an opportunity to see the place as well



I’ve been watching this closely (since we’re investors) and Jim & I will be staying there for the Parti Penblwydd at the end of May. :tada: :sparkler:


Great - me too! See you there…


I’ve just seen that the very first ever guest staying in Llety Arall was Allan from Somerset!

Y lletywr cyntaf oedd Allan o Wlad yr Haf a ddaeth i Gaernarfon ar gyfer gorymdaith dydd Gwyl Ddewi ac ar gyfer
Gwyl Ddewi Arall, dydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul.
The first person to stay was Allan a learner from Somerset who came to Caernarfon for Gwyl Ddewi Arall last weekend

Fellow Magnificent Saith attendees of the first ever SSiW Bwtcamp will recognise Allan as he is one of us!
@ali @HuwJones @ianspencer


And if you want a look around without staying there, they’re having an Open Day tomorrow:

Diwrnod agored

Open Day

Dydd Sadwrn yma

This Saturday

09 - 03 - 19

Rhwng / between11:30 a 2:30

Cyfle i weld y llofftydd sydd yn barod a rhagolwg o’r fidio newydd i hyrwyddo’r Llety.
An opportunity to see the completed bedrooms and a preview of the new video

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Wow! He was my buddy for the Welsh in the wild (I let him do the talking!). Shame he didn’t get to the meetup in Llandrindod Wells.

Thanks for the shout-out.

Perhaps we should have a whip round and buy him a suitcase!

