Level 1 Lesson 11 Question(s)

For ‘he would like…’ is there a construction similar to the ‘I would like…’ construction taught earlier (hoffa ni…)?

And, vice versa: Is there a construction for ‘I would like’ that is similar to the one taught in this lesson…(bydda fe’n hoffi…)?

If the answer is yes, when would each one be used?

when would each one be used?

When you feel like it…:smile:

They’re just variants, they don’t have different meanings. Imagine if someone asked you when they ought to use ‘I don’t know’, ‘I dunno’, ‘I do not know’ in English…:wink:

When you feel like it…

They’re just variants, they don’t have different meanings. Imagine if someone asked you when they ought to use ‘I don’t know’, ‘I dunno’, ‘I do not know’ in English

That’s a very helpful analogy, thanks.

So…what’s the version of hoffi for ‘he’?

Hoffai - which you’re much more likely to see in written Welsh, as it happens…:smile:

Ah…that…welll, sort of makes sense.

Time to practice ‘listen, not ask why’…though my curiosity has been triggered. :-).

Just one teeny question: Is the short pattern of verbs more common when speaking about oneself…i.e. I would like, I would wait or issuing a short request…i.e. wait a minute?

(I remember hearing and asking about wait a minute when I couldn’t tell what a character in Hinterlands was saying)

Is the short pattern of verbs more common when speaking about oneself

My take on it would be that it depends more on the verb than anything, but you’ll hear different opinions from different people!