Learning Speed

Might try it … :slight_smile:

  1. I did at least half a challenge bore’ma. I have …er…shall we say ‘problems with my lungs’… I couldn’t find a polite way to describe the organs… this means talking quickly for a time without resting my voice tends to be difficult, so half a challenge is about it!!
  2. In all fairness, I suspect you are right and even if I was in perfect health, I’d only do half a challenge. In fact, in that case, I’d be out walking and do less Cymraeg!!

Llongyfarchiadau, da iawn! :star: :star2:

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I signed in but now … hmmmm … I just have to choose carefully what my commitments should be. Not decided yet how to begin, :slight_smile:

Thank you for posting this. If previously I didn’t quite know what should I do with that app actually it put my life into at least a bit of order regarding learning not only Cymraeg but all languages. Deviding tasks into small portions is one very useful thing on which basis you decide whether you do only one portion of the task and then mark it as done or you do the whole task and only then mark it as done. Well, the honesty toward yourself is the key though.

All in all, thank you. My learning became on daily basis one way or another and in much more order which give me real benefit of learning and the app itself. :slight_smile:

And for the record … this app has the website also which gives you even more features. When you’re at home and at the computer you can use it aswell. https://habitica.com/. (oh, and I don’t work for them either to make things clear :slight_smile: )


Having the two of you rave about it got me to take a look - and it seems like a rather brilliant idea.

Now if I can just work out how to make a task happen on a weekly basis…

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Ah, I might have figured out what I was doing wrong… :sunny:

In case you didn’t figure out and for all the rest who are struggling to do things on time or tend to get rid of some of their bad habits …

You have 3 kinds of events:

  • Habits - in which you put bad or good habits and determine are they positive or negative or they can be both. Those habits don’t have their due date (what means are they daily made or not). You just have to be so much honest toward yourself to mark them either negative way if you did negatively regarding it or positive if you did positively. Of course you can set one habit either way it goes only - positive or negative though. I for example have 3 habits which previously made me causing troubles and since I don’t want to “die” and loose everything what I’ve gained, I now am taking considderration of them and do them as much as I can positive way. Those habits are 1. Daili actions - which I determine at the end of the day if I did everything scheduled to do for the day, 2. Going to bed before/after 2 in the morning - which I determine negatively if I went to bed after and positively if I went to bed before 2 am (what I set to be my limit)) and 3. Getting up in time/not getting up in time - what I determine with if I’ve got up in time in the morning in order not to run to the bus station to catch the bus and it’s obvious what is positive and what negative to be marked.
  • Then there are dailies - those are daily actions you tend to fulfill every single day, every certain day(s) in the week or every x number of days. There’s not pissible however to determine that you’d do one thing (let’s say) every 13th in the month or every February for example, what surely would be much more useful to me though. In those you can set the check list to split the task to as many parts as you want. Then you can add additional notes to the daily task, determine the days you want this task to be done again, determine is it due morning, afternoon or evening the task has to be done and in advanced options you can determine start day (what means you don’t need to start the task immediately but when it’s started it runs in a row you determined before). At the very bottom you can set the difficulty of the task and you can monitor or reset the streak (what means how many days in a row did you do it). One note here though: I strongly recommend not to determine which part of the day the task should be done(what you do with tags) but rather leave it all blank because it eats your health even more.
  • And the last part are To-Dos - You can set “due date” for those but you can’t set start date so when put in the task is running toward due date until it reaches it. Here you can set the difficulty also.

All three parts have (for me) magnificent colorful appearance. The more regularly you do the things the “pretier” colors they become. Good deeds and successfuly made tasks go from the beginning yellow color toward green and then bule and unsuccessfully performed or “forgotten” tasks and habits go from beginning yellow color toward orange all the way to the greyish dark red which means you really blew things up. :slight_smile: I wonder if they become black or dark grey in time if you don’t do them at all. :slight_smile:

All things except To-Dos eat your health if you don’t do them properly and you can “die” prety quickly if you’re not careful how you set your duties or you tend not to do them however everything what you do positive, doesn’t gain your health but gains you experience what can bring you quite quickly toward new level which gives you full health again of course. The difficulty of the tasks gives you more or less xp points depends of how hard or easy task you set ti to be. Already done tasks and those which didn’t begin yet are colored grey so are the missed ones for the day. So don’t forget to mark the tasks before midnight or you loose your health.

This is actually a game and this for has some other features which many games have, like armors, pets, additional avatar shields, clothes and potions for pets and avatars, but I didn’t explore those because it is not gaming what would interest me here. All I want using the app is getting my learning streak and daily actions in order so they could be made on a proper - daily, weekly or whatever basis.

Sorry, my tasks might seam silly to you but that’s how I am - silly. hehe :slight_smile:

I hope this explains some things and contribute to the speed of learning and good habits.

[size=10]I had a thought to post thsi in separate topic but even General/Questions category itself doesn’t seam good one for this totally offtrack post so I’ll let it be here by the questioned subject to give some help.
Now you can return ontopic. :slight_smile: [/size]

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