How to join the Trello board

Added… :slight_smile:

Diolch! :slight_smile:

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  1. I’ve transferred as a test a @netmouse post to a “Magic Bullets” comment on Trello
    a) as a link and
    b) as the full text
    Could I have a little feedback on which is preferable, please?
  2. I have added everyone (at that moment) as members. My recollection tells me that you can remove yourself if you want to.
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If you look at the checklist up at the top of the card, you’ll see that Netmouse suggestion summarised as ‘Identify Welsh speaking staff’ - I think adding to the checklist, in the most summarised way possible, is probably the simplest way forward with this… :slight_smile:

I think adding people to particular posts will probably be most useful when we’re starting to identify who is going to do what stuff…:slight_smile:

Thanks for jumping in and showing the way forward… :slight_smile:

Thanks Aran. Sounds sensible. I’ve removed the link, added an item to the checklist and tidied up the membership.
I’ll apply the same procedure to the other topics/cards over the next few days.
I’ll leave someone else to include the more brilliant of my own suggestions. :smile:

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I’m @adriangraves

You already know my Trello account :wink:

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I use Trello at work for project collaboration. What works really well is having comments/discussion on each topic, then an action is proposed and the topic is moved to a new column, until a decision is made and then moved to an actions column.
Would this be better than simply a repository of ideas as a checklist?

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I think I’m Dwrgi20 but ive never heard of trello before so not got much understanding of it.

signed up as Andrea Wild

Yes, I think that’s where we’ll get to - checklist of ideas is just our starting point… :slight_smile:

All added… :slight_smile:

I’ve signed up for Trello as Nienke van Ketel.

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Added… :slight_smile:

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I’ve signed up as AnnaC


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I am @thenickyroberts

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I’m seeing an awful lot of Anna Cs - can I just doublecheck that annac is exactly what you see in the brackets on the right hand side when you scrollover the profile pic in the top right? :slight_smile:

Okay, sorry, new at this…when I scroll over the profile pic it shows AnnaC (annac46).

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Great, got you now! :slight_smile: :star2:

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I seem to be known as Dee McCarney :slight_smile:

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