High Intensity Language Training on Kindle

Great to hear that it’s going so well for you, John, and congratulations on having got so far! And thank you very much indeed for your kind words :sunny:

Great read, very interesting points you make. Keep me informed I’m definitley up for HILT

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Cheers, Dave, will do - but you can run a test for yourself anytime you want by getting through as many new sessions as possible in a single day, without any repetition - and then leaving it for a fortnight and revisiting the last session once each on two consecutive days - I think you’ll find it a bit of an eye-opener… :sunny:

Hi Aran,

Read your little booklet and found it very interesting. However, I was not too sure how you would apply the technique. How much should you practice if you want to do it intensively, as you say too much might not be beneficial and how much rest should you have? Have you got any examples of how to set up such an approach,


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Hi Dafydd,

I suspect that there’s a lot of natural variation depending on the individual, but what I can say is that I’ve done quite a few one day and two day intensive sessions with different people now, and they’ve all gone excellently.

What I haven’t done yet (but want to do next) is to try out a process of three sets of two day intensive sessions, separated by a month each time - so two days at the beginning of (for example) January, February, March - I think if that was coupled with 5 minutes a day on the appropriate listening exercises there’d be some very impressive gains.

How about trying a single day to begin with? Maybe aim to go from 9 in the morning until the evening, having a ten minute break on the hour every hour (irregardless of where you are in a session). If you then leave it for a fortnight before revisiting the last session you did (on two consecutive days if it feels bad the first time), you should have a very clear idea of how the approach has worked for you :sunny:

I just have to mention this, so thrilled I am: Look what I’ve got with Amazon.com recommendations!

Now I’m almost obliged to buy this (shame on me, I didn’t yet though!)