Hey guys! Brand new here, and I have a couple of questions

That is the way you say it! Working hard is working! :smiley:
Not having anyone on hand to speak to is always going to make it a bit harder, but even talking to yourself/your pet/inanimate objects is definitely worth it. There are lots of forum members who use Skype or Google Hangout to chat with others who have no near-by Welsh speakers, so that may be an option for you at some point.


Sounds as though you’re really getting the bit between your teeth now - well DONE and good luck! :star2:

Where are you? Therenare local groups in lots of places. Then there is Skype in Aus and US as well as Wales and Europe!

Henndraig, I live in the United States in Fruita, Colorado, which is on I-70 just before it crosses into Utah. I finally found the map, and it looks like there is a champagne glass in a town about 75 miles away.

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@Sionned looks after the Map, if you want to go on. If you click on that glass you should find a name and can find out if the person is still on the Forum. Suppose the name was john.jones. Start typing @john.j well, all options vanished when i typed the full stop, so no such person. @sheila. gave me you and only you when I typed your full stop! The Please add me to the SSiW Map thread will be the place to give details to get yoirself on that!

Hello, Sheila! I’ve taken the liberty of adding you to the map (since you gave the information I needed here). If you would like the marker’s location adjusted any, just let me know.

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Hi Sheila, I’m just starting as well. Level 1 Challenge 8 for me this week. I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I’m one of those people that need higher repetitions for listening than for what I see. I’m settling for getting 3 out of 4 before going on to the next challenge unless the ones I don’t get are all on the same structure. I figure that my brain may need more time to integrate certain things. I’m finding this is true as on the following lessons I am surprised that I remember it.

Since I need more repetition for verbal material, I wait until I can pronounce a word correctly before seeing it in written form. That’s really helping me with reading some Welsh correctly.

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