Halfway there!

Yay! :slight_smile:

If you like it, Siaronā€¦let me know. If you hate itā€¦erā€¦donā€™t. :smiley:


Amazon just apologized for the delay: itā€™s still showing itā€™s going to be delivered today - but it seemed quite unlikely since it doesnā€™t appear as shipped and I hadnā€™t even paid it! :thinking:

But now they say itā€™s now available and Iā€™ll receive an update about actual shipping date within one working day. Weā€™ll see!


I knew that verbs at the start of a question need a soft mutation, but I assumed that it was a grammatical rule invented by someone just to be awkward. Then I read section 1 on the absent ā€œaā€. Well I never! I am sure that there will be many such moments.


Croesi bysedd, Gisella :confused:

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It was indeed shipped and reached Italy the next day!
Tracking the shipping, looks like it has decided to take a little tour in Northern Italy in the weekend. :grin: But itā€™s expected to reach Torino, and me, tomorrow. :slight_smile:


ā€˜The Epic Voyage of Working Welshā€™ ! :slight_smile:

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Aaaandā€¦here it is!
Havenā€™t even opened it yet, so canā€™t comment on that. But summer holidays is traditionally my time for studying Welsh, so looks like this will be main source for 2020! :smiley:


Yay! :slight_smile:

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just trying to grasp the ā€œWediā€¦ā€ section
I understand from elsewhere that you donā€™t use wediā€¦followed by ers, Because ers already implies past tense. So Dwiā€™ dysgu ers tri mis, not Dwi wedi dysgu ers tri mis (I have learnt for three months). I think thatā€™s right.

Hereā€™s the question
Can I say this?
Dwi di bod yn dysgu ers mis yn ol (I have been learning since a month ago)
Mae hi wedi 'i dysgu gyda SSiW ers 2019 (She has learnt with SSiW since 2019)

OK, so I could just say Dysgais iā€¦ but I like to be awkward :slight_smile:

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Well John, I would say first of all that ā€˜since a month agoā€™ is not right in English, any more than in Welsh. I think we would say "I have been learning for a monthā€™, wouldnā€™t we? And in Welsh this would be Dw iā€™n dysgu ers mis, although (addressing your first comments there) by influence with English you will very often hear (especially down South - I was not here, I did not say this) Dw i wedi bod yn dysgu ers mis. Either way, yn Ć“l not necessary.

Similarly for She has learnt with SSiW since 2019: Mae hiā€™n dysgu gyda SSiW ers 2019, with again the wedi bod yn dysgu option available.

Does this help? :slight_smile:

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Yes, great thanks, Gareth.
Iā€™m finding your book to be so helpful.

Excellent - thank you! :slight_smile:

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