Hello @ Deborah-SSi The Shrewsbury meetups are now back in the pub on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7.30. We are now in the Grove, Belle Vue Road Shrewsbury.
EDIT: From July 2024, these meetups take place in the same location, but on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month.
Send a Private Message to @bryanroberts if you need more information.
I’m resending my previous because I think there’s an error in the address.
The Shrewsbury meetups are now back in the pub on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month at 7.30. We are now in the Grove, Belle Vue Road Shrewsbury SY3 7NN
Bryan R
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Are you meeting tonight (18/11) and if so, may I join you?
We are, so you’ll be very welcome. However, I’ve sent out a message on the Whatsapp group asking who’s coming, but have had no replies as yet. If it transpires that no-one else is available, which is not likely, I’ll come back to you around six thirty, to let you know.
Thanks for getting back to me. Perhaps another time would be better for a first appearance - I guess Christmas approaching is beginning to affect people’s commitments etc.
Whatever suits you Sue. you will be welcome when you feel ready.
Best wishes,
This is a long way in advance, but I am returning to the shire after a long leave of absence in January and would love to come to one of the meet ups. I’ll check in nearer to the time to see if you are still meeting at the same time/place.
As we’ve only just changed the day and venue you can be fairly confident that nothing will change in the meantime. We’ll be glad to see you whenever you feel like dropping by
Just checking - are the pub meetings continuing at the Grove. Myself and another Dysgwr down here have been talking about ways of getting the experience of speaking with different people.
There will be a couple of us there at least, so you’re very welcome to join us.
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Just thought I’d put in a reminder that the group sgwrsio Amwythig is alive, if not exactly kicking, and would love to see one or two (or more) new faces. No doubt you will all have been battling on throughout the pandemic, getting to grips with the language and will now be more than capable of holding your own in conversation.
So, how about dropping in on us for some practice on the first and third Thursdays each month in the Grove Hotel, Bellevue Road Shrewsbury, but best to check with me through the summer before coming, because, with holidays, there may be no-one there.
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I am a SSiW learner and would love to meet others doing it. I live in Shrewsbury. Are you still meeting up?
Belle Vue
@bryanroberts ? Is this still on?
Hi @chris-green-1 & @Deborah-SSi , yes we’re still going, on days as advertised, so I’ll be in the Grove next Thursday evening, although as yet I don’t know yet if anyone else will be available.
See you there if you can make it.
Hwyl am y tro.
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That’s good to know, diolch Bryan. I’ll pop a note in the newsletter this week. I’m sure there are more people around Shrewsbury 
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Thank you Deborah, we really could do with some more members.
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Hi Brian. I’m coming tonight but don’t know the time. 7.30?
Hi Grwp sgwrsio Amwythig.
Is anyone going to be in the Grove pub on Thursday the 6th July? I will walk down there in hope! I might meet up with someone.
Yes, although being holiday time we may be a bit thin on the ground. Hope to see you there Chris