Grammar question - ooo errr

Sooo. I have always been interested in the why with language; found understanding helped me to remember. Actually that goes beyond language and into life. So, whilst I am using ssiw to learn with, I would be interested in having some sort of Welsh grammar book as a reference/ interesting read. Even tho ssiw is all about the talking, I would find it a good add on. I think. Any recommendations? Or is that little key asking a vegetarian for their favourite meat?

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Undoubtedly Gareth King’s books. Not just because he’s on the forum ;-), but because they are excellent :smiley:

(other outlets available, obviously!)


Enthusiastically seconding this. My copy of Modern Welsh: A Comprehensive Grammar taught me a large amount of what I know about Welsh grammar and was invaluable for satisfying my grammar-geek thirst for background info in my early months learning Welsh. :thumbsup: (And this was back a while before he joined the forum, so imagine how cool I thought it was when he showed up! ;-))


I have GK’s Intermediate Welsh, and have just got Modern Welsh too. At first I thought they were terrifying (being proper and all :grin:) but now I find them so interesting, I wouldn’t be without them.


…such as, who support traditional Welsh bookshops and have MANY titles in both English And Welsh languages. :slight_smile:

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Absolutely :smiley:


It is, yes… :wink:

But what Siaron said. TGK all the way.

Gareth’s “Comprehensive Grammar” is “the bible” of course (well, not literally, since that’s, er, “Y Beibl” of course…), but for a more basic introduction, there is also his “Basic Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook”, and “Intermediate Welsh: A Grammar and Workbook” (worth waiting for the new edition of the latter, which he recently told us is coming out towards the end of the year).

There are exercises in each chapter, a key to exercises at the end, and quite a large vocabulary listing.

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Thanks all. Book shop here I come.