Going BLUE- week 21 'ANSWER' recording **Green to Blue badge** 🔵 (Awarded Mondays)

Wohoo, llongyfarchiadau mawr i @AllyJones :large_blue_circle: :tada: :partying_face:

Well done Stuart :clap::+1:

Listen to Siarad cymraeg by Laura Irons on #SoundCloud

My answer to reesgilbert

I hope it makes sense! :blush:

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[Listen to Question.m4a by Chris.T on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/AEYRR](Listen to Question.m4a by Chris.T on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/AEYRR)
Hope my question makes sense

Llongyfarchiadau on getting your last badge, @LauraDI, gwych! :tada: :tada: :large_blue_circle:

Hey @christopher-treharne, This is the thread for answers to questions - but no worries, I’ve seen your question in the green thread already and given you your green badge :slight_smile: Please come back here and post again when you’ve picked someone else’s question and have recorded your answer to it!

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Diolch :blush:



I nearly forgot to post this answer to anne-29’s question. Hope it worked this time

Llongyfarchiadau @anne-29 a @Shannon, last badge! :blush: :large_blue_circle: :partying_face:

Replying to @nathan-d’s question from a week ago:

Llongyfarchiadau on your last badge @melgreen! :large_blue_circle: :tada: :partying_face:

Replying to the question “Beth wyt ti’n hoffi gwneud i ymlacio?”

Gwych, da iawn getting your last badge @jadeashleyluke! :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_circle: :tada: :partying_face:

This my answer to Laura DI ‘Wyt ti’n moyn siarad Cymraeg gyda fi?’

My answer is here https://ssi-cyhoeddus.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/recording/3177/6min_21_answer.mp3

This is in response to a question from chris-bee



This is a reply to Andy Lowe, please advise if I have done this wrong?

Llongyfarchiadau mawr on your last badge @moya-cawood, @TheSplendidBean a @trevor-foster :blue_heart: :tada: :partying_face:

Response to Going GREEN - week 19 'QUESTION' recording **Red to Green badge** ❇ (Awarded Mondays) - #32 by onomatopoeicowl (“Beth wyt ti isio bwyta?”)

Gwych, laste badge! Llongyfarchiadau @daniel-newman :partying_face: :blue_heart: :blue_heart: