Gair neu Idiom y Diwrnod - Word or Idiom of the Day

Word of the Day 05/06/2019

Today’s words are inspired by meeting so many wonderful Welsh learners over the weekend, and by our children, whom both have karate grading this evening. Especially our daughter, who’s just completed a total of 20 hours of dance rehearsals over the last two weeks in preparation for a show this coming Friday night and again on Saturday night.

Ymroddiad = erm-rothe-yad - dedication
Ymroddedig = erm rothe-ed-igg - dedicated

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Ai “ymroddiedig” ddylai hynna fod? Should that read “ymroddiedig”? (I’m assuming from the noun and from the pronunciation that it’s just a typo…)

Actually no, it’s ymroddedig believe it or not. :wink:

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Oh, OK… I made the mistake of searching for ymroddiedig (which exists on certain webpages :slight_smile: ) instead of looking in the dictionary. But does that mean the “erm rothe-yed-igg” needs to lose its y?

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Yes, that was me half asleep and on autopilot… will change it now, diolch. :slight_smile:

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The truth is, both would be understood. :slight_smile:

Loving these offerings… can I suggest as a possible theme one day more words from Welsh legend and folklore? I am intrigued, for example, by the word ‘afanc’, which according to the dictionary can mean a mythical sea-monster, a beaver or a crocodile. Now I would have thought occasions might arise when it was really quite important to have different words for ‘beaver’ and ‘crocodile’. ‘Mam, Mam, mae afanc yn yr ardd!’ ‘Paid â phoeni, pwt, llysfwytawyr ydyn nhw…’ But what do I know…


Absolutely David!

But I’d need a little guidance, so if you have a particular vocab you’d like me to tackle, then post here and I’ll give it a go.

By the way afanc is commonly known as beaver… :slight_smile:

Haia @CatrinLliarJones, I wonder if you could explain the meaning of the words “ymtŷbachu” and “anobeiciol” please.

Thank you.


Is ymtŷbachu what happens when you overdo the ymsiocledi?


Perfect. :grinning:

@CatrinLliarJones, I was thinking of words for beings or beasts associated with legend or folklore: witch, wizard, warlock, giant, dwarf, dragon, fairy, ghost, wraith, demon, devil, pixie, elf, changeling, hellhound etc. We have a rather rich vocabulary for this sort of thing in English, and I just wondered if it was matched in Welsh. Of course, Welsh might have peculiarly Welsh words that don’t map exactly on to English – it seems, for example, that the word ‘ellyll’ can mean a whole range of things from fairy to ghost – and that could be interesting. Not perhaps the most useful vocabulary for everyday conversation, but good fun!


Leave it with me @Davids and I’ll see what I can do. :slight_smile:

Gair y Diwrnod / Word of the Day 11/06/18

This morning I have been mostly writing reviews and feedback reports for services and venues we used during the party weekend, so…

Adborth = add-borthe - feedback

Adolygiad = add-all-ugg-yad - review

Adolygiadau = add-all-ugg-yad-aye - reviews

Adeiladol = add-ale-add-all - constructive

Diolchiadau = dee-all-ch-yad-aye - thanks/thank yous

Adlewyrchu = add-leh-whirr-ch-ee - to reflect

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May I copy and share this with a friend of mine who is lover of language and languages please, Catrin? She is my German teacher thank you

Word of the Day 12/06/19

Words inspired by spending time with SSiWers during the party weekend…

Gwerthfawr [goo-earth-vaoor] = valuable or precious
Llawen [llah-wenn] = joyous or joyful
Bendigedig [ben-dee-ged-dig] = glorious
Cyffrous [cuff-royce] =exciting
Calonogol [Kall-on-ogg-all] = encouraging or heartening
Emosiynol [em-mosh-un-all] = emotional

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Sure @dianne-1. :slight_smile:

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O gwych diolch/Ah great thanks, Catrin. That’s one of the words that a shopkeeper used about us speaking Welsh.


Ok, let’s make a start on these…

Firstly have a look at these halloween words.

Chwedl = ch-weddle - legend
Chwedlonol = ch-weddle-on-all - legendary
Llên gwerin = ll-en (long e soundar in fern) goo-erin - folklore
Dewin = deh-win - wizzard
Gwrach = goo-rah-ch - witch
Cawr = kah-oor - giant
Corach = core-ach - dwarf
Ellyll = ell-ill (welsh ‘ll’ sound) - elf
Coblyn = cob-lynn - goblin/imp/sprite

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Word of the Day 15/06/19

Second instalment…

Tylwythen deg = tull-with-enn-dehgg - fairy (female)
Tylwythyn deg = tull-with-inn-dehgg - fairy (male)
Tylwyth teg = tull-with-tehgg - fairies
Cythraul = khuth-rah-elle - demon or devil
Diafol = dee-ave-all - devil
Pwca = pukka - bogey
Bwystfil = boo-eastville - beast
Bleidd-ddyn = blathe-thin - warewolf
Mallgi = mall-ghee (Welsh ‘ll’ sound) - hellhound

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