Format of skype practice

If I can find the time, I’d like to make another list like my nature one. Been busy over the Holidays and am a bit behind right now. Or if someone else would like to try, Google docs is pretty easy to use and to share online.

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OK, I started a list.


Just an FYI correction. I found that the letter ‘i’ after the ‘d’ in these words should be an ‘l’ (L).

Many thanks, obviously i need stronger glasses.

Cheers J. P.

I can certainly sympathize John. I do my reading almost exclusively in electronic form because I can increase the font size.

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Same here …

Thanks for all your input folks, it all helped make the year special.
I wonder how far we will get in the next year.

i did wonder, if we are going to get into folklore a bit then we could think of a story,
Maybe Tatjana bach will write a story and make a cartoon video.

But what should the story contain (all ideas welcome).

I wondered about the search for a magic drink (which would give the finder the opportunity to go back to a great day in their life which they could enjoy again).

There is a dilemma, how long would people ponder which day to revisit?

Cheers J.P.

Looking for a Skype conversation partner - anyone out there willing and able?! I’ve pretty much completed the available SSiW material but don’t let that fool you, I’m as tongue tied, confused and terrified as the next learner (if not more so) when it comes to actually using any of it! And despite living in a highly Welsh-speaking area I find the demands of work, home, and just finding enough hours in the day for everything mean I still get pretty limited opportunities to speak for real. So, conversations at any level would be useful, just thinking the safe space and flexi-time of Skype would suit me. Anyone up for it? I’m in the North so that’s what I’ve learned but watch enough S4C that I don’t THINK I’d have a complete breakdown if you’re a Southerner and speak your pretty sing-song version to me :smile:.

Hi there Kate

I would be interested, though it would have to wait for a few weeks, as I am very busy atm, until I am able to start practicing again on Skype, maybe @stella would also be interested?

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I would also be interested to practice, as Flynn said, but starting next week, if that suits you?
I do the Southern course, but it seems (strangely) that I understand people from the North far better than Southerners!

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Just don’t switch to learn North @Stella. Then I won’t have anyone who would talk southern with me at all. :slight_smile:

I’m planning to do the Northern course later, just to be sure I understand everything:) But don’t worry, I don’t think I can switch from moyn to eisiau now!

Yah, same here. Some words are just more “practical” southern way. :slight_smile:

Great, thanks! Stella, how about we try something next Wednesday (13th), and just see how we do. @flynn let me know when you have time to breathe and we can try it out too!

Just been reading the instructions for making group calls on skype if more people are wishing to join in.
This of course does not mean people can not carry on doing their own one to one calls if that is their wish.
Which time (hour and day) seems best for most people may be a problem?
so as per the start of this thread, all suggestions welcome, just maybe 2016 will be ymarfer ymarfer and i will improve.

Cheers J.P.

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Well i managed a group call in skype, @tatjana and @stella impressed me as ever at how quickly they are learning, so i will try and do the same thing somewhere around the beginning of February.
I will add a list of words that should show how the conversation wanders which is part of the fun.

enw, enwau – name, names.
Peiriant – machine.
Llifogydd – flood.
Dim(Nid)bob tro - not every time
rhywbeth – something.
tro diwethaf/tro olaf – last time.

rhwystredig – frustrating.
hir - long, hirach - longer, hiraf - longest
Ap geiriaduron
dylet ti - you should
raglen - programme
rhan 1 - part 1
tylwyth teg – fairy.

caredig - kind
chwarae teg - fair play
wir - right /true
anghywir – wrong/not true
golygu – mean.
Dw i wedi bod yn edrych dros y mynyddoedd – I have been looking over the mountains.
yn fuan - soon
ddim yn wahanol iawn. - not very different
diolch am ein ffonio ni – thanks for calling us.
rwan hyn - right now.

Cheers J.P.


It was great chat/practice. Thank you both @ramblingjohn and @stella. Well it was so much depending on my PC for me to come, because it didn’t want to start in the morning and I can only hope it will start to run tomorrow again.

Hopefully next month someone else joins us.

For the record: we are avoiding English speach as much as possible but some words can be said that way too. Then we search dictionaries and write them in the skype message window. This way we can learn words we didn’t know yet or we’ve forgotten them.

So … great SSi slogan you can very well have in mind here: Paid becso/Paid poeni! . We don’t byte. - hehe :slight_smile:


i have thought about what was mentioned last night “possessives”.

So give a structure a name, add a bunch of rules, (that’s a lot to think about every time we use a word).

What about thinking of a few words you would like to use next time putting them here with their possessive structures. Then we will all know what to expect.

That way we can just use the language heb meddwl amdani - without thinking about tit.

pell fel. ga i wilio dy lyfr di am gair newydd. - things like may search your book for a new word.

I really think by the summer we won’t need to think about it any more.

ymarfer yr iath, heb meddwl amdani - practice the language without thinking about it.

Dan i’n ar y fordd i bod medru defnydd brawddeg hirach a hirach. - we are on the way to being able to use longer and longer sentences.

(hopefully with less mistakes on my part, though i’m not going to worry to much about it) paid becso.

Cheers J.P.


I was thinking of something on these lines.

oes 'na seren uwch ben ei phen hi. (is there a star above her head).

Nac oes, ond mae 'na seren uwch ben ei ben o. (no, but there is a star above his head).

Oedd 'na seren uwch ben fy mhen fi pan on i’n ifanc. (there was a star above my head when i was young).

Oes 'na seren uwch ben ein pennau ni (is there a star above our heads).

Nac oes, ond mae 'na seren uwch ben dy ben di. (no but there is a star above your head).

Oes 'na seren uwch ben eu pennau nhw (is the a star above their heads)…

As usual, sorry for any mistakes, all corrections welcome.

Cheers J.P.


Eu pennau nhw (and ein pennau ni) but otherwise great… :sunny:

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