First experience of speaking Welsh in Wales

Just sharing this as similar stories have been a real inspiration to me in the past…

Felly…nes i gael cyfle i defnyddio ychydig o gymraeg yn Llangollen wythnos diwethaf… Nes i wedi synnu achos on i’n meddwl na fydd lot o gymraeg yn Llongollen. Mae dau siop yn y ganol y dref ble maen nhw’n siarad cymraeg - y cigydd fawr a’r siop gwniadwaith. Oedd y dyn yn y siop gwniadwaith yn neis iawn - oedd e’n helpu fi gyda geiriau newydd. Naeth siarad gyda fe yn profiad hapus iawn iawn! :party:

Llongyfarchiadau, Nobott. That first step is a massive one, but if the standard of your written Welsh is anything to go by, your first speaking experience was definitely due!

Yup, what Iestyn says. Llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn iawn! :seren:

Well done! And I have just learned a new word. Gwniadwaith. Dressmaker? Needle worker? I’m off to look it up now. :slight_smile:

Da iawn ti! Llongyfarchiadau on having your first sgwrs yn Gymraeg in Wales. Excellently told too. Onwards and upwards to the next one!

Diolch pawb! Dw i ddim yn gallu aros am y tro nesa!

Gwniadwaith - needlework - I did have to look that one up myself! :slight_smile:

So, are a lot of Welsh words formed that way, similar to English, with -work -waith on the end?

woodwork? Metalwork? Artwork? … must be others. Could be a useful general hint, if not quite “rule”.

Mike: So, are a lot of Welsh words formed that way, similar to English, with -work -waith on the end?

I remember looking for collage and finding out that it was gludwaith (glue-work). I also remember mosaic being brithwaith (speckled-work). As you say, there’s loads, although it seems that a lot of them are not literal translations.

And in Llangollen, anifailwedi’istwffiowaith … Might have made that up :slight_smile:

I instantly though “Taxidermy”

Tacsidermi :slight_smile:

So, we’re doing multi-lingual puns now is it? Cwl! :slight_smile:

Why not? :slight_smile: like Kim hints, Llangollen and tacsidermi are synonymous, I’d hesitate to walk my dog past that shop, ofnadwy :slight_smile:

When I were a lad that shop used to be a sweet shop we’d call “mouldy Joe’s”. I went to school just up the hill from there in Ysgol Dinas Brân. Ah, the memories. :wink:

Did you come out stuffed with sweets? :slight_smile: