Everything old is new again—ever tried the ‘Old Course’?

What a marvellous idea Deborah. Diolch yn fawr!

Just one question—would that option also include folk early in their learning curve? I would not want to exclude anyone and do want to encourage everyone.

Definitely it would! WSP is open to anyone learning Welsh, so posts can be in Welsh, or Bilingual, and the online discussion could be organised as you like - some sessions for more advanced speakers if you felt that was necessary, but also bilingual sessions for earlier learners. It’s a great way to pick up vocabulary related to something you’re interested in.

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‘salon/salonau’—I like it—not to be confused with saloon over this side of the pond, but hey, I’m open either way :wink:

I wondered about the ‘What’s Outside’ thread, and don’t want to intrude or interfere with that. However, I thought maybe the focus would be different…

What a great thought—a Salon where we could see your sculptures Siaron—any of the Barenaked Ladies? (BTW, when I took live drawing classes, my husband used to boast to his workmates at Pembroke Power Station that he was the only bloke he knew who went to work so his wife could pay men to take off their clothes.) :roll_eyes:

But seriously, could this get some ‘traction’ either on the Forum or Slack do you think?


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There is a clwb-celf-a-chrefft group set up on Slack WSP already, but I don’t know how lively that is (I’m hardly ever on Slack these days), but I’m sure there wouldn’t be a problem with setting up another one if the demand is there (maybe making sure any group chats don’t clash of course) and I don’t see why we couldn’t have an Artists’ Corner/Salon thread here too (not everyone here is on Slack and vice versa). I think, going by previous entries to the SSiW Eisteddfod when it was running, there would be enough people happy to post pics of their creations to make it an interesting thread.

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The last post was March 2023, so not very lively. I could change its name to something else if it would be more appropriate.
And if we had a Topic here on the forum with the same name as well, we could post the link to that in the Slack channel, and refer to the Slack channel in the forum topic, so that people could use the one they want but have easy access to the other as well, if they wanted to have a look at that.

Do you think that would work?

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I think that would work :slight_smile:

Before changing the name of the group in Slack, and out of courtesy, maybe it would be worth putting an @channel message there to explain the idea and see if any dormant members are ok with it.

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Thank you both so much!

I have been mulling over your great suggestions, and wondered about merging the two ideas. I have in mind not only art and crafts, but any creative endeavor, so a poem, short story—whatever, and the discussion that any of these might prompt in Welsh or bilingual. Hence my thought of a Salon where all kinds of artists, writers, poets and thinkers gathered.

I love the idea of building on what already exists, so giving others a boost if the existing group has been dormant and wouldn’t mind a name change to broaden the scope.


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Do you have a definite name in mind I could suggest to them? Creativity Salon perhaps?

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I really like that Deborah. How does it sound in Welsh? Should we use both Welsh and English to include everyone, or is that getting too long? I suppose the Salon part is common anyway.

We could just call it ‘Y Salon’ if folk would understand that

I quite like Y Salon, but would worry that people might think it was going to be about beauty & hairdressing! What about Creativity Salon Creadigol ?


That gets my vote!


The only other option that came to mind was the ubiquitous enquiry “Wot Cha Makin’?”, but let’s not go with that! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:



I’ve sent a message out to the 40 channel members, so if there are no objections I’ll change the name on the weekend. I’m hoping it won’t be too long. I’m not sure if there’s a limit in Slack, but if it is shall I go for salon-creadigol ?

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Wonderful Deborah, thank you so much. This should be very interesting and creative for folk I hope.

Diolch yn fawr iawn eto,

PS Deborah, as you suggested, if we use the same name, could you please create a thread here too with a link a link to Slack or vice versa so that folk who use one or the other don’t miss out.

I really appreciate your help and support in making this happen. With luck folk can be submitting some of their creations by St. David’s Day—just as we used to do ‘back in the day’.


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Oops, would Creativity Salon Creadigol be too long Deborah? If so the let’s go with your shorter version, ‘Salon Creadigol’ and hope we are not trespassing on a haridresser’s business. You are the experts so I bow to what works best.


Possibly not. I’m not sure if Slack has a limit, but thought I’d check with you just in case.

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I didn’t get a chance to set up the new name etc on the weekend, but I’ll get it done today :slight_smile:

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No worries Deborah.

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