Diolchgarwch Hapus! / Happy Thanksgiving!

Diolchgarwch Hapus i bawb yn yr “States”…

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Diolch Kim! :slight_smile: Cooked one dish last night–doing one more before we set off for my sister-in-law’s! Love Thanksgiving! :smile:

Paid ag anghofio, Jen!!! Bydd hi’n Du Dydd Wener fory…Dim ymladd efo gwsmeriaid arall yn y siopau. :smile:

Ha! Paid a phoeni! Dw i BYTH yn siopa ar Du Dydd Gwener !! Dw i’n gwrthod cymryd rhan! :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! :sunny:

Happy thanksgiving to all my American buddies :sunny:

Thought, Black Friday was an American phenomenon but watching todays news I see shoppers are physically fighting each others in the shops here as well…Nutters!

It is for some!! But I’d rather be boiled in oil than go shopping today!! :slight_smile:

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Yep!!! and we’ve been through, Bootcamps…

haha! Too right! :smile:

And my email inbox was inundated from the likes of Amazon sending me “Black Friday” offers. I had never heard of it (and can do without it). I hope it’s a passing fad.