Which shirt would you like me to wear? I only have a crys coch…
You’ve all bloody gone native on me, haven’t you?..
Funnily enough, despite what I posted above about not supporting Wales because I’m English, the only flag I possess is a great big Baner Cymru!
It’s what happens if you take American football, remove the padding and helmets and turn it into a sport
Ah, so, not interpretive dance then?
Sometimes it turns into that, yes
Happy to accept an interpretive dance video with Welsh in it…
It was during the Eisteddfod. Literally and interpretive dance tribute to rugby
Oh good–it’s been done then! I’m off the hook!
@aran, please add the following sentence to one of the Challenges:
“There are many good reasons for wanting to learn Welsh, but Rugby isn’t one of them.”
Mae’n ddrwg gen i…
I don’t even have that … if I hunt in the cupboard I might be able to fish out a black cap with a silver fern on it. Would that do?
I was told the finnish rugby team is the worst in the world
Well, Germany isn’t playing (and even then I probably wouldn’t support them) - do you still want me to talk about that?
Mae’n ddrwg gen i, @aran, but I would never support a team other than Wales in basically any sport at all. To be honest, I’m a football girl - not rugby - but when you cut me, my blood flows green and white with a Welsh dragon.
I’m guessing that wasn’t what you were looking to hear, was it…
@aran I think the idea is nice. But the problem is that outside the UK and Ireland there’s only France, New Zealand (and maybe South Africa and Australia?) where a lot of rugby fans seem to dwell!
You might want to get that checked out