Noswaith dda,
A few of us who live in the Penybont area have been meeting every 3 to 4 weeks (always in a pub) just as an opportunity to use our Cymraeg.
We have all types of folk from brand new learners to first language speakers including a tutor (which is helpful
We’ll be meeting tomorrow at 12pm in the Red Dragon pub in Litchard. If you’re free and fancy a chat yn Gymraeg pop in and say hello.
Croeso i bawb!
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@neil-jones I just saw the title and assumed you were the usual monthly meetup in Bridgend, but now I see you’re a different one! 
Did you know about this one? Bridgend (Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr) monthly meetups
Would you like me to add you to the list of regular meetups? Post-Pandemic Meetups
I’ll mention this in the newsletter as well.
Are there any meetings over Christmas- I’ll be in Maesteg visiting my family.
Shwmae Neil, just asking will there be any more meetings before Xmas. If yes can you let me know where & when please.
If no the details of any meetings in 2022 please.
Alan Owen
Shwmae. Diolch am ymateb.
Bydd y cyfarfod nesaf 8fed Mis Ionawr yn Dafarn Y Ddraig Goch 
The next meeting is January 8th in the Red Dragon pub (Litchard)
Nothing until 8th Jan now I’m afraid, Nadolig Llawen!
Shwmae Deborah, I did know about it somewhere in the back of my mind but could never remember where it was so thank you for that!
Yes please, add us to any lists.
We’ve got a bit of a website going and a Twitter account only for fun and info!
Diolch yn fawr
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That’s great @neil-jones! I’ve added a link to this thread from the main Post-Pandemic Meetups index.
Bydd ein cyfarfod nesaf ddydd Sadwrn. Bad planning wi’n gwybod, nes i anghofio am y rygbi 
12:00 - 14:00 Y Ddraig Goch
Gad i fi wybod os chi’n dod.
Our next meeting will be on Saturday., finished in time for the rugby (hopefully)
If you fancy it, see the link below and let me know!
Cyfle i’w weld ein baner newydd hefyd 
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It’s now July 2022. Are you still meeting? If so, when? Is it still in the Red Dragon Pub, Litchard? How noisy is it. I have hearing problems and even with hearing aids, the background noise at the Saturday morning meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month made it impossible for me to get anything out of it.
Bore da. Sorry for the slow response.
Yes we still meet regularly and in different pubs across the county!
We met at the Pantrythun Farm in Pencoed last time which was great, a nice quiet corner but they aren’t all like that.
The next meting is expected to be in a couple of weeks. I’ll put a post on the forum once confirmed.
Bydd cwpl o bobl yn cwrdd ddydd Sadwrn ‘ma.
A couple of us are meeting this Saturday
Thanks for your reply. I don’t have a car, so, I could only go to meeting on bus routs at times when busses run. I’ll try the Saturday morning meet again in September.