I’ve been thinking for a long time about t-shirts, especially when the Eisteddfod comes around. There’s always talk about SSiWers wearing t-shirts in order to be recognised amongst each other on the Maes, but of course we already have some available here. The thing is, they’ve been around for a long time and although they’re fabulous, they haven’t really flown off the shelves and haven’t made the ‘en masse’ impact at the Eisteddfod that we hoped they would. When it comes to the Eisteddfod and t-shirts though, there is pretty tough competition. The t-shirt company Cowbois seem to have universal appeal, their designs are fresh, colourful and pretty cool - and this is just one company amongst many.
Welsh t-shirts with slogans are now immensely popular - everybody wants the coolest ones. Like the t-shirts you buy at gigs, people collect them and tend to keep them forever, even though they’re faded and frail at the seams. They seem to mark eras in history.
What I’m wandering is, if a company such as Cowbois were to design funky t-shirts for Welsh learners/new Welsh speakers/SSiWers would you be at all interested in buying?
I would like to ask kindly if you would have a look at the link to our current selection and have a look at the Cowbois website (links above) and tell me what you think in the poll below. Diolch yn fawr iawn!
- I would never wear a t-shirt/hoodie with slogan.
- I might buy an SSiW/Welsh learner, t-shirt/hoodie with slogan depending on the design.
- I’m very likely to buy a newly designed (SSiW/Welsh learner) t-shirt/hoodie with slogan.
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