Croeso! Welcome to 1 sentence in Welsh - how is it going for you?

It’s brilliant. It’s pushed me out of my comfort zone to do loads of new things. Including learning Welsh!


Me neither! It sounds like a great idea!

Good to be back with you Iestyn and Aran . This will be an excellent form of revision. I only left the course a few years ago because the Forum became bogged down in politics! At 87 years old this revision is just what the old brain needs! Thanks!


Hello. I’m Kitty and I’m trying to learn Welsh. I’m studying in Wales in the fall; an English speaking course but I think its not right to stay there without learning the language. I’m only on day 2 of the course but I think this is a fantastic way to learn a language. Much better than the way language was taught at least in school, where we learnt a lot of vocabulary but forming sentences was still tough, I can already speak a few very basic sentences :slight_smile:


Welcome back, Nefyn!

Hi Kitty, and welcome to the forum - good luck with your learning, and thank you for having such a positive attitude, it will really be appreciated :slightly_smiling_face::star2:

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Hey I’m from Nigeria (AFRICA) I just moved into wales over 2years ago. I’m single and needed to find the easiest way to blend with the culture. I became so keen about learning welsh. Ive just finished my first 6mins session. I’m really positive and willing to learn welsh.


Hi Chibuike! And a very warm welcome to the forum - thank you so much for your positive attitude to the language - I’m sure it’s going to help create a lot of opportunities for you to build networks of belonging :slightly_smiling_face::sunflower:

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Just signed up. In Caernarfon this week and thought it would be fun to learn Welsh :grinning: so here I am on Day 1 giving it a go.


Swmae I have just started to dusgu Cymraeg. Dw I eisiau siarad Cymraeg dw I byw in Cymru. I think !


Hi Dan. Heini is a lovely gentleman. The phrasebook might be slightly Southern in dialect, but Joyo anyway :smiley:

Hi, great to find this course, really enjoting so far. Diolch. I found it stramge growing up, being Welsh and not knowing how to speak welsh. Wasnt envouraged by parents who thought it wqs a dying language and useless. I’m so happy the language has been and is being saved, promoted and cherished. I am enjoying dysgu gymraeg. My son is in a welsh speaking primary and I am looking forward to practicing with him. I would caru to be able to speak welsh conversationally. The course/App was reccomended by a receptionist at the National Gardens who is also using it.


That’s really lovely to hear, James, thank you so much! Pob lwc!

Shwmae! I’m a refugee from Duolingo, whre the course is developing in a way that doesn’t suit my learning style. I’m looking forward to re-starting my learning (not that I have gotten very far yet!) on SSi, after a colleague recommended it.

My long-term goal is to retire to South Wales in about ten years time, to be closer to the mountains. At the moment it’s a 4-hour trip each way, which is getting to be a little dull.


Well… I would suppose that it’s high time that I start flexing my brain and learning to properly speak the language… Dafydd from South Wales, happy to find a course which seems to fit my learning style. Bang-up course thus far, I think that this will be good for me.


Dw i’n meddwl Say Something in Welsh is bendigedi.

Duolingo is ace but robotic and addictive, am doing the Entry course but am self conscious and writing words down like they sound in English. Regression and tedious I just can’t get into the flow at all.

I listen to SSIW whilst doing mindless chores, although today it took me twenty minutes to make my bed and learn another yes/no! I really feel I could chat quite easily with SSIW.



Croeso! Rwy’n siaradwr newydd ac yn astudio Cymraeg. Diolch am y fforwm hwn!


Well it’s taken a lifetime for me to get here and if you can get me speaking Welsh you will have done very well. And so far it’s going well achos dw’in moyn dysgu siarad Cymraeg or as my spell checker says aches Dwr in mountain dysfunction scared :wales:



That’s very profound - what’s it trying to tell you?! (I wouldn’t visit Eryri any time soon, just to be on the safe side… :rofl:) Croeso!


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Hi. I’ve been doing Duolingo for a few months and find it quite good as a nudging system. Now, having just joined SASi I can see the shortcomings of Duolingo - the main one being no pressure to actually speak! So SSi looks a great way to get my mouth moving! Here’s looking forward to dyddiau da.