Comparable Levels

I was just wondering (tried searching for this topic with no joy) how does the SSIW method compare to the other standard courses.

For example does level 1 course six compare to mynediad 1 does level 3 compare to canolrad?

Just thinking of if I wanted to do other courses as a top up, or do a residential course what would be the right one to join.

Finding specific topics is sometimes tricky in the Forum, as there is so much in it! So in case it did not appear in your searches, you might find this interesting:

More in general, and after doing more (short and long) dysgu.cymraeg classes since then, I have to say that I can confirm my impression:
the two methods (SSiW and traditional classes) are so different that you can’t really put them side by side and find exact correspondences between them.

I think the best approach it a mix of self-assessment (I can think of a few questions that can help, based on my experience and other learners’ I met through the years - if you like), and just…jumping in and try courses: there’s plenty of one day/weekend long dysgu cymraeg courses, often even free that you can join at different levels and just try a few and choose the one which suits you best!


I second what Gisella has written. And I would also add that in my experience the Dysgu Cymraeg people are very helpful if you ring them up and speak to them. My first experience of a “real-life” Welsh class was a special weekend course over 2 days, and there were classes at every level so it would have been easy to hop into a different class if I needed to.


I had the same question, and asked Dysgu Cymraeg for help working out what level I should be looking at. They sent some information, including this helpful link. Play the videos to get an idea of what the different levels sound like;

I would just add a caveat - SSIW is amazing for learning how to speak and listen whereas I think (not yet started my DC course) that Dysgu Cymraeg will deal a lot more in depth with grammar and vocab.
So if you’ve not done much reading/writing etc you might be one level for having conversations and another level for grammar knowledge etc.

If you’re interested in doing a Dysgu Cymraeg course be aware that they do free taster sessions at certain times of the year, and I think its meant to be easy to swap courses if you need to change a level.
They’re also happy to answer questions if you email them - and everyone I’ve dealt with has (almost) been as lovely as the SSIW lot


Regarding attending a residential course, summer school or one day event for Welsh learners, your best strategy is to find one that has different levels happening at the same time.

When I’ve attended things like Easter or Summer schools, there’s always been some people switching class to move up or down a level during the first tea break half way through the morning. It means that you can be sure of ending up in a group of the right level, even if your first guess is wrong.


I’d like to second everything here. SSIW is primarily SAY something in Welsh and is excellent, beyond excellent at it. When joining a more conventional class you are likely to be able to speak with greater ability and much more confidence than your fellow students. They, on the other hand, may understand more of the grammar technicalities and will have read and written more than you will have done. I spent my learning journey doing both, having started before SSIW existed and then having the luxury of following both patterns at the same time. Pob lwc with your choices.


Thanks everyone for all the replies, all really useful as I’m thinking of doing Canolradd 2 now.