Challenge 16 - What am I hearing here?

Hi, I’m just working through level 1, challenge 16 and I’m not entirely sure what I’m hearing for “Someone who told me that you want to read that book today”. When I first heard it I thought “Hang on, I don’t recognise this construction!” but on listening again I think what I’m hearing is:

“Rhywun naeth ddweud wrtha i bod ti’n moyn darllen y llyfr 'ma heddiw”

Is that correct? If so, why is it “Rhywun naeth…” and not “Naeth rhywun…”?

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“Naeth rhywun ddweud” would be someone told me…
“Rhywun naeth ddweud” is someone who told me



Brilliant, thanks Louis. Reassuring to know that I heard correctly and even better to now know why I heard it!


Hello! I don’t understand the use of ‘naeth’ here - what does it mean? The last time I came across it was Challenge 14 ‘ my brother met …’.’ Naeth fy
mrawd gyfarfod. In Challenge 16 ‘ someone who told me that you wanted to read that book today’ why isn’t it ‘rhywun ddudodd wrthaf fi …’ rather than ‘rhywun naeth ddeud wrthaf fi’?


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Hi Julie,

Good question! They are alternative ways of saying the same thing.

‘Ddudodd’ as you have above has a past tense ending ‘odd’ on the verb ‘to tell’ making it ‘told’.

In ‘neuth ddeud’ as you have above, neuth here is the past tense of gwneud ‘to do’ and so word-for-word Is literally ‘did tell’ which makes it…yes…’told’ Ie the same thing.

Both commonly used …

Rich :slight_smile:


Thank you! How do you know these things?! Mind you I can’t believe I can even ask these questions … just shows how good SSIW is - dwi d’bod yn dysgu am tua mis :slightly_smiling_face:



Hi Julie,

Well it shows how good SSIW is AND how well you are doing!

The answers to these questions emerge from the woodwork (or the forum!) as you go along.

That’s a good question and means you’ve got a good ear.

Keep up the good work (and the questions)!

Rich :slight_smile:


Thank you for your encouragement- on with Challenge 17!


I’m finding this to be a very intetesting thread.
Just being nosey and using for an excuse for some revision.

Getting to the point, regarding: ’ I met with someone that told me.". I checked the level 1 Challenges 16 and 17. Vocab lists and audio recordings. North and South. I didn’t notice naeth for “did”, but I noticed the shortform dwedais and also the oedd “was” form. Also i noticed sydd for the present form. Anyway back to the past, am I correct in thinking that for the word “that”/"(who), we need oedd as a form of bod ( to be) rather than just naeth by itself for “did”?

Finally, regarding the question on the verb word order, I think that “rhwyun” comes first as the end of the first phrase " I met with someone". Then oedd or sy’n for 'that". Then the 2nd phrase “said to me”.

I hope this makes sense.

Anyone want to confirm that I have it right, or perhaps correct me please?

John (Young)

Um, sorry, you lost me (but I am in general a bear of very little brain) - if you do some examples I’ll try and figure it out… :slight_smile:

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Hi John,

I am at work at the moment so my (quick) answer would be:

The past has an (often unspoken) ‘a’ for that…

I met someone who said…

Wnes I gwrdd â rhywun (a) ddwedodd…


I know someone who:

Dw i’n nabod rhwyun sy’n (=sydd yn)



[quote=“aran, post:10, topic:13463”]
Um, sorry, you lost me [/quote]

My fault, Aran. I shouldn’t have tried reading and typing on my small smart phone. I think I managed to confuse myself.

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That’s one of my favourite and most consistent habits… :wink:

Ha ha. So what I was trying to say was that in the challenge, you offered the following. Dwi’n nabod rhwyun oedd dweud ortho fi. For - I know someone who told me. However in this topic thread it is suggested that oedd can be replaced with ‘naeth’ for “that did/who did”. Is this correct? Or is it only bod type words that can be used to connect two phrases?

You can use either depending on what you’re trying to say - it’s the same difference as when you use “oedd” or “naeth” at the beginning of a sentence, e.g.

“Oedd y dyn yn siarad am y ffilm” - the man was talking about the film
“Naeth y dyn siarad am y ffilm” - the man talked about the film

So “Dw i’n nabod dyn oedd yn siarad am y ffilm”
or “Dw i’n nabod dyn naeth siarad am y ffilm”



Da iawn, diolch, Dee :grinning:

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