Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Some of the English prompts are definitely weird. but it does make it easier. So once we are aware that the reason is that they’re mirroring the German structure, why not keeping them? :grin:


It’ll be a question of whether the English mirroring actually helps you think in a more German-word-order way, or whether it’s a shortcut which will make it more difficult for you to speak in German when you don’t have your prompts… (either way don’t worry - if we think it’s the latter we’ll change it and you’ll adapt to it quickly even if you’ve become used to the funky English)

The main aim of the mirroring was to make the phrases more similar to each other so that the chunks come out more useful and therefore phrases are better quality… Word order doesn’t really matter for that!


Not all sentences mirror the German, so there’s already chances to practise both.

As a general reflection, I have to say that in my experience, one of the main advantages of the SSiW is that I soon forget the prompts and just have the target language stick (vs translating word by word for a very long time as with “standard” learning).

So I don’t think having more hints in the prompts now will really make a difference in my ability to speak later.
But it is better if chunks come out more useful rather than just random words, and if phrases are better quality!

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Yes! You can never learn too many languages! :grin:

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Hi Rich, has this release gone through yet? I thought it was fixed when I deleted and reinstalled but now it’s gone again. It just gets stuck spinning around then the app closes. Could it be my version of android is too old or is there something else? It was working ok to start with but then the loading times got gradually longer and more frequent until finally this. I desperately want to keep up my french!