Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

@rich Do you think I’ve reached the end of the course then? It seems odd, as the old Automagic still fires new content at me.

I’ve probably averaged about 15 minutes per day for around a year on Northern Welsh.


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I can double check that - we’ll look at your account.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Many thanks! :+1:


I did a search to see if this had already been asked before, but can’t find it, so here’s my question:

I had installed the app on my Android phone, did the Welsh South course up to
Green belt , French up to Orange+white Belt, and a bit of other random languages.

Some time ago, while travelling in the car I installed the app on (my partner) Max’s iPhone so to try and listening to it through the car radio/audio system with my account.

We listened to the French course and it worked fine, and we used it again on the IPhone up to Green + white belt.

Today I connected to the app on my Android phone and noticed that French is still marked Orange+white.

I double checked and it seems that the web app and iPhone in the Languages section show all the languages as White Belt, even though I’ve never worked on those languages on that phone or the web app.
The Welsh South course also appears as white belt, while the French course is Green + white belt.

My Android phone seems to have its own level of progress! :woman_shrugging:

p.s. I hope it’s not too confusing! :laughing:


Hi @gisella-albertini

That’s an interesting one - we can take a look at it but can I just check…

A log in would be required to cause a device to go and look for/ discover progress made on another device. This will have happened on these devices?..I imagine so as it sounds like this was a while ago


Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes - i guess so!

I know that on my Android phone I downloaded the new app when it wasn’t even officially released and someone had posted the link or some info here (in late September, was it?) and then updated it when(ever) there was a new release of the app.

I definitely logged in on the app, and did all my progress and experiments on the Android app only until a few days before Christmas, when I had this idea of trying it on the iPhone/in the car.

I’m sure I logged in on the iPhone once right after downloading it (I know, cause I couldn’t remember the password right away as usual, since I don’t need to use it often.) and it just stayed logged ever since, it seems.
I just asked Max to try and open it now while writing, and it just went straight to French, at Green belt +white level, without asking to login again.

On my Android phone I don’t remember being asked to log in again, in the last few days.
I just tried most of the new languages just yesterday night (just to hear a couple of sentences for each one, to be honest). That’s when I realized that French was at a different level on my phone.

I logged in to the browser version for the first time today ever (on my computer) and noticed it went straight to French and progress was aligned with Max’s phone for French (Green belt) and Welsh (White belt), not mine. :angry: :smile:

But oddly enough it also showed the languages I had tried on my Android app only, yesterday evening for the first time (Finnish and Japanese).
And did show in the list also all the other languages I had ever tried on my Android phone only…except (just realized now, if it wasn’t complicated enough)…Spanish.

Then I opened the Android app on my phone earlier today, and found everything as I had left it yesterday evening. Did some Welsh and worked fine, and saved my progress.

But on the web app and iPhone, right now, Welsh is listed and as white belt, zero progress.

Ok, not sure this helped clarifying or made things worse :face_with_spiral_eyes: …but well, this is it! :slight_smile:


Hi @gisella-albertini

Thanks for that! I will have a look through this in more detail in the morning. The team are lined up to have a look first thing also.

I was drawing the distinction between restarting the App where you are still logged in from last time and going through the log in process. The latter would pull progress for all belts from the server. White belt is a default/ starting position for the languages I.e a minimum.

Let’s see where we get to.

Thanks for your help.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


(For tomorrow morning)

For a last test, I ust tried to logout and login on my Android app now.

It kept my progress in the Welsh course (Green belt) as before on this app

It updated the progress in the French course as in the iPhone and web app (Green belt+white).

It reset the progress in the Italian course from Orange belt, back to white belt/beginning.

Spanish disappeared from the list of My Languages just like on the iPhone and web app (it was present, right before logging out).

All the other courses were in the list, at level white belt and stayed in the list, as level white belt.

It reset my streak to average 0 minutes/day and today as the first day, while can’t remember details but I’m sure I did login at least a few minutes in one or the other devices in the past few days.

Thank you for all the work!


German and Portuguese are available as a Beta for those who want to give them a whirl! :tada:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Brilliant! I’ve been looking forward to brushing up my rusty German! :+1:

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Hi @rich
Did the release get rolled out for that “infinite play” bug yet?
I still appear to be stuck in an endless loop on my Northern Welsh :frowning:


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Switching from one language to another on my Android phone is often pretty slow.
Sometimes takes more than a minute to see the play button appear, and sometimes it just gets stuck and I have to close the app and start it again.

So having more than one device, it’s more efficient just to use one for one language and another for another language or two (assuming you’re not learning all available languages at the same time!)

The strange thing is that doing so, when I logout from one device and log back in, it always starts with the language that’s been used last on whichever device.
And progress of all other languages appears as reset to “white belt”!
As soon as you start another language you’ve worked on before, it takes its time, but then luckily updates the progress.

For example:
let’s imagine I logout on Android phone where I’m doing German and Cymraeg, and leave it logged out.
In the meantime I login on the web app or Max’s iPhone and do some French.

Then when log back in on the Android app I see French right away, even though before logging out I had used German instead.
And if I see the list of languages I’ve ever opened, they’re all at level white belt, except French.

Then if I open German, it takes a minute, but then gets back to the level where I had left it before logging out.
The others in the list stay at level “white belt”.

Then if I login to the Cymraeg, it updates my progress on that course too.

And if I login to the Italian (which I thought had been reset to white belt permanently, because I had seen it like that the first time I logged out and logged back in) it also updates the progress where I had left it the last time I had opened it some time ago.

So I still can’t decide if using different devices is more or less efficient after all!

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Hi @des-greene

…not quite - very frustratingly - but it is essentially done and being used by the team who are doing Japanuary.

There was one problem with one internal account which prevented us from putting it to the Stores…we just want to understand that tomorrow before allowing it to go out.

I will give you an update when it is on its way down the pipe - Google have been taking 48 hrs recently however.

Apologies for the delay but we don’t want to do releases that may have or cause problems as we have a LOT of users by now.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @gisella-albertini

So, yes, the system has one record of progress per user, so only one ‘last course you learnt’ record - and that would reflect the last one across any/ all devices.

From what you say above the status of progress seems to end up being correct - the only thing which doesn’t sound quite right is the transient white belt states - even though they sort themselves out in the end it seems. We will look at that - sounds like a bug.

Apologies that with everything else going on, new courses and new App versions.this one hasn’t got to the top of the list yet!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Cheers for the update @rich Appreciate that these things have to be fully tested etc :+1:



Sure, the" last used" makes sense, amd I didn’t mean to complain about it.

It was just necessary to mention it to explain the other behaviour that seemed a bit odd

In any case, no hurry, i thought it might be good for you’ to know, but no high priority since the courses work and can be used anyway!



Yes, yes!..very useful - this sort of feedback is how things get fixed! :grin:

I’m extremely grateful for your detailed feedback @gisella-albertini :heart:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


A glitch in Spanish course—when using single word files, señor and usted are repeatedly interchanged. That is, English prompt is “you” and both Spanish voices respond “señor”. And English prompt is “sir” and response is “usted”.


Thank you very much, squashing this kind of fiddly little thing is going to be a priority for us across all the courses over the next few months :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Jane. That’s in the list of things noted previously, so hopefully it will be updated soon.

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