Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Yes, yes!..very useful - this sort of feedback is how things get fixed! :grin:

I’m extremely grateful for your detailed feedback @gisella-albertini :heart:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


A glitch in Spanish course—when using single word files, señor and usted are repeatedly interchanged. That is, English prompt is “you” and both Spanish voices respond “señor”. And English prompt is “sir” and response is “usted”.


Thank you very much, squashing this kind of fiddly little thing is going to be a priority for us across all the courses over the next few months :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks Jane. That’s in the list of things noted previously, so hopefully it will be updated soon.

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I’ve just downloaded the updated app from Play.
i still can’t tell if there’s any difference in the way things are presented, but one sure thing is that…

It’s a million times faster to load than the previous one!
i had to wait and wait for things to appear, often out if sync too.

While the new one at the moment seems to work great!
I’ll test it more in the next days, bit for now It’s say well done you! :v::star2:


I didn’t get any kind of heads up on my Android phone that there was a new version available. Knowing that it was imminent, I went into the PlayStore and it told me there was an update, so I clicked on that and got the latest version.

I don’t know if iPhone users get it automatically, but Android users, you may need to check.


I just downloaded it. I think the timing/sync of the spoken and written prompts seems to be much improved.

@rich I take it that the “endless loop” bug isn’t part of that new app version? My North Welsh is still stuck.

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@des-greene are you getting exactly the same sentences repeated over and over, or is it varying them now?

If you’re at the end of the current material, you’ll still get revision sentences and nothing new, but they should be more random than they were.

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Hi @Deborah-SSi @rich
I decided to do a bit more testing to see if I could get get any more info that might help. Something has definitely changed with the new app version, but not what you might expect…

I opened the app and loaded Northern Welsh. It always defaults to starting with “I am not expecting to trust you to play” since the fault. I counted it through sixteen phrases (I’m almost certain these are always in the same order) and then it stuck and started spooling. After a couple of minutes the app crashed. This has never happened before.

Now, if I restart the app and try and load Northern Welsh it crashes immediately. I can load Spanish, French or German fine and they run OK.

Could this be down to data corruption in my Northern Welsh course? If that’s possible, then you are welcome to clear it and reset me back to the start. I can soon find my level again with the skip button.


Hi Des,

Hmm, thanks for that - I will ask the team to look at this, this morning.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @rich
I need to go somewhere for an hour, but if they need me to test anything later, I’ll be happy to help :+1:


Hi @des-greene

A quick update. This appears to a memory issue - it is all that excellent progress you’ve been making! :clap::grin:

Please could you try logging off and on, and only try the Welsh course initially? This should mean that you only have the progress for Welsh loaded.

We are still looking at the details…as you know the App is on a journey to being ‘smarter’ and more self sufficient - as a trail blazer your situation helps us greatly.

I might switch to PM in terms of any follow up details for obvious reasons

Sorry for the disruption and, as ever, thanks for your help.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


OK. So logged out/in and it allowed me to load the Northern Welsh course without crashing, although it took a few minutes.

It started at “I don’t expect to trust you to play” and went through 16 other prompts before returning to the first and starting again.


Hi Rich,

I seem to be having lots of extra issues with the functionality of the app since the update. Obviously as discussed there were issues before the update but since yesterday it’s even harder to get the challenges to play. Lot’s of black screens or buffering, getting kicked out of the app and the odd connection error even though I’m right next to the Wifi.
Have managed to get it to work occasionally and there seems to be more spacial repetition of previous patterns - which is great. But it’s very difficult to get it to work at all at the moment.


Hi @daiwilliams

Ok…useful to know - thanks - we will take a quick look at your present situation too…there will be a reason! :grin:

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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OK great, so the memory thing seems to be on the money :+1: - looking at your sequence now.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @daiwilliams

Yep, a similar situation to @des-greene - I will reply to you about your specific situatiins privately.

We are already working on the challenge of juggling progress for an ever increasing number of languages within the finite storage of the average mobile phone! :grin:

For those with a large amount of progress - probably across more than one course - use of Web App should offer a solution if you are encountering this type of difficulty, as it does not store things in the same way.

Staying ahead of you trail blazers is proving a challenge! :grin:

We are pulling your records across into a simulator to confirm.

I’ll PM you both



If it’s a storeage issue on the phone, how is it that it isn’t affecting my progress on three other languages I’m working through?

I don’t appear to have any general issues with available storeage or memory on the phone, in case that is relevant.


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Not sure if it’s relevant; but I had a similar problem with the new update. I’m quite far on in the Italian course (we’re talking about not being able to imagine having exactly the same problem at the moment) and shortly after updating the app, I just got a blank white screen. Nothing worked, not even restarting my phone. I had to uninstall and reinstall the app.

After that, it still didn’t work, but at least it wasn’t the white screen of death. I tried the Japanese course and it worked fine, the problem was specific to the Italian course. I tried logging out and logging back in and that seems (touch wood) to have solved the problem so far.

In general, the app has definitely got noticeably worse (for Italian) the more progress I make. FWIW, I have plenty of storage left on my phone.


Hi @des-greene

Yes it’s space related to the specialised software /library the App uses to record all the events that happen in the course - which gets loaded when you start a course.

So it is not the phone storage - obviously the App is working within a quota. There are a few changes that have gone into the new App - which is tidying up a few historical things stretching back to the Automagic prototype. Consequently this version does quite a cunch when it first loads, as it sorts out what needs doing.

For those who have progressed less far, this is something that will probably seem like a short delay - for those with more progress it might/ will be more noticeable.

Feedback from those who have tested it and used in anger is that the algorithm changes are a big improvement. However ‘the only constant is change’ - there is a need to switch to our more refined tracking process.

Thanks for your patience

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:

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